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- Pengertian Agama Islam
- Ceramah Agama Islam
- Ebook Agama Islam Pdf Pdf
- Ebook Agama Islam Pdf 2017
- Ebook Agama Islam
ISBN : 9786028730860
Genre : Religion
File Size : 89.92 MB
Format : PDF, Docs
Download : 772
Read : 1132
Home Ebook Multimedia unduh Download Ebook Islam versi PDF dan Doc. Download Ebook Islam versi PDF dan Doc. Keutamaan Ilmu Agama Dari Ibadah: 17: Panduan Manajemen.
Buku ini menyajikan semua substansi di atas dengan kelebihan tertentu, antara lain: Pertama, menjelaskan pengertian, sumber, prinsip, visi, misi, tujuan, sasaran, karateristik, pokok dan macam studi Islam yang diajarkan di berbagai Perguruan Tinggi Agama Islam (PTAI) yang berbasis pada ayat-ayat qauliyah (wahyu), juga menjelaskan hubungan ajaran Islam dengan berbagai disiplin ilmu modern yang berbasis pada ayat-ayat kauniyah. Kedua, lengkapinya dengan berbagai informasi yang belum dikaji secara mendalam dalam berbagai referensi studi Islam yang pernah diterbitkan. Ketiga, membantu mewujudkan pemahaman Islam yang holistis, integrated, dan komprehensif (kaffah) sejalan dengan ajaran Al-Quran dan Sunah, serta dapat membangun citra Islam sebagai agama kemanusiaan, kedamaian, dan cinta kasih. Keempat, membuka wawasan pemikiran untuk mengartikulasikan dan mengkontekstualisasikan ajaran Islam dengan berbagai masalah yang dihadapi masyarakat. Kelima, melalui pemahaman Islam yang komprehensif yang disajikan dalam buku ini pada akhirnya dapat melahirkan ulama yang intelek dan intelek yang ulama, yang berwawasan komprehensif dan holistis. -PrenadaMediaEditor: PT Mizan Publika
ISBN: 9789794335697
Size: 17,87 MB
Format: PDF
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On Islamic religious education in Indonesia.
Editor: Gangemi Editore Spa
ISBN: 8849279183
Size: 18,53 MB
Format: PDF, ePub, Docs
Read: 569
RESEARCH - RICERCA Effectiveness of critical thinking instruction in higher education: a systematic review of intervention studies Dawit T. Tiruneh, An Verburgh, Jan Elen From research assistant to researcher: being wakeful in a mentorship journey about methodology, poverty, and deficit thinking Heather Grenville, Darlene Ciuffetelli Parker Adapting grounded theory in qualitative research: reflections from personal experience Philip Bulawa B-learning quality: dimensions, criteria and pedagogical approach Paula Peres, Luís Lima, Vanda Lima The system learning. Rethinking structures, role and functions of the virtual communities of knowledge and learning Pierfranco Malizia APPLICATIONS - APPLICAZIONI Stability of Russian banking sector: the results of adaptation international standards of banking regulation Svetlana Khasyanova Development of technologies of application of Islamic financial products in the Russian federation Simone La Bella, Vladimir Malyaev Data display in qualitative research Susana Verdinelli, Norma I. Scagnoli The competencies required for effective performance in a University e-learning environment Mitchell Parkes, Christine Reading, Sarah Stein Future direction for next generation Web Young B. Choi, Young Han Choe, Tae H Oh Tablets (iPad) for M-learning in the context of social constructivism to institute an effective learning environment Palmo Thinley, Shlomo Geva, James Reye PowerPoint: IT’s not yes or no, it’s when and how Lois A. Jordan, Raymond Papp Is Finnish higher education a model or a myth? The case study of Erasmus mobility from Italy to Finland Chiara Biasin HIGHLIGHT - PROSPETTIVE A brief outline about FADRIVE. A pattern to improve e-learning Danilo Ceccarelli Morolli PBL Working environment: an expert system for teachers, trainers and headmasters who want to understand and apply the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) pedagogy in their own classroom Susanna Correnti, Luca Angelo Galassi tuBEMATES project: towards a competitive European Higher Education Ilaria Reggiani Simulations and serious games for company businesses Paolo Francescone Learning: the way out Review of OECD (2013), Education at a Glance 2013: OECD Indicators, OECD Publishing. Lisa Reggiani Methodologies for Research-Creation Valentina Cisbani GUIDE Association: Conclusions from the VII International Conference, Guatemala Laura Ricci Upcoming Conferences: VIII GUIDE conference and V Seminar on Education and Communication, Aracaju, Brazil, 19-21 November 2014 New GUIDE Journal: Digital Universities. International best practices and applications CONTRIBUTORS GENERAL INDICATIONS FOR THE AUTHORS
Editor: Elex Media Komputindo
ISBN: 9789792087864
Size: 14,66 MB
Format: PDF, ePub, Docs
Read: 764

Islamic Finance Banking System
Editor: McGraw-Hill Singapore - Professional
ISBN: 9789833850617
Size: 17,46 MB
Format: PDF
Read: 427
This book, Islamic Finance and Banking System: Philosophies, Principles & Practices, introduces readers to the history and development of Islamic banking. It provides an in-depth discussion on the theoretical and conceptual aspects of Islamic banking. Key concepts in Islamic finance and banking, and how they are applied to provide alternative Islamic financing options, are examined. The vibrant and thriving takaful industry and Islamic capital market are also explored here. In addition, the book evaluates the role and development of special organizations related to the Islamic financial system.
Editor: Utusan Publications
ISBN: 9789676117250
Size: 11,18 MB
Format: PDF
Read: 775
On implementation of Islamic economic system in Malaysia.
Pengertian Agama Islam
Islam Isu Semasa Nusantara
Size: 18,43 MB
Format: PDF, ePub
Read: 162
On Islam in Malaysia and Indonesia.
Editor: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
ISBN: 9812308024
Size: 19,77 MB
Format: PDF, Docs
Read: 568
Ceramah Agama Islam
Discusses the creation a national school of Islamic law in Indonesia. Presents a complex range of references for syariah including the formal structures of a 'new fiqh', philosophies of law, transmissions of syariah through tertiary curricula and the Friday sermon in mosques, a bureaucratic form for conducting the Hajj, and contemporary debates on syariah values as expressions of public morality.
Islam And Contemporary Issues On Islamic Education Law Philosophy And Economy
Size: 20,58 MB
Format: PDF, Mobi
Read: 456
ISBN: 9789798175886
Size: 20,49 MB
Format: PDF, ePub
Read: 950

Ebook Agama Islam Pdf Pdf
Reflection on Islam in Indonesia related to local and regional culture, art and literature, women and youth, science and technology, globalization and entrepreneurship; papers of Forum Ilmiah Festival Istiqlal II, 1995, discussion forum.Resolusi Konflik Islam Indonesia
ISBN: 9789799492241
Size: 12,94 MB
Format: PDF, Docs
Read: 455