- Fsx Dash 8 Q400 Freeware
- Fsx Majestic Software Dash 8 Q400 Cracked
- Majestic Software Dash 8 Q400 Pilot Edition
- Q400 Fsx
- Majestic Dash 8 Q400 Repaints
Since they are using Aardvark FDEs that are the original ones that were designed for the default FSX planes gives a huge misrepresentation of take off, landing, thrust ratio and even as far as weight is concerned. I think the pitch and roll in inaccurate on this plane severely. Like I said, it is not a bad plane to play or fly around with. This is like using a default FSX plane, which has no true flight dynamics. I cannot remember if this plane had troubles with the nose being too high or too low during normal cruising speeds. I even tried to edit the cfg file to get the proper pitch, but it was hard since they are using Aardvarks FDE’s.
Jun 11, 2014 This feature is not available right now. Please try again later. Majestic Software Dash 8 Q400 PRO Edition (for FSX & P3D v2/v3) Compatibility: Flight Simulator X, FSX: Steam Edition, P3D v3, P3D v2 23 October 2017 - A new P3D v4 version of this PRO edition of the Dash 8 is now on sale.
The Aircraft - The Majestic Software Dash 8 Q-400 For FSX
A Bombardier creation, built in Canada - It:
- is a twin-engined turboprop regional airliner
- entered service in 2000
- has two Pratt & Whitney PW150A turboprop engines
- has a capacity for 70-78 passengers
- can travel up to 1,500 miles at 360 knots
It is therefore a really good alternative regional aircraft to many regional commercial jetliners.
Fsx Dash 8 Q400 Freeware
Tutorial Flight
I always find the tutorial flights to be a good way to process information and make progress with a new aircraft.
For me, there was an added dimension, in that it is a very long time since I have flown a propeller driven aircraft. Some 'swotting up' on the use of the throttles, in tandem with fuel management and power outputs is an essential ingredient of getting this bird to fly correctly. It took me the first take-off to realise this, and would immediately advise new users to pay particular attention to the position of the fuel levers, and don't forget to release the throttle limiters, before applying the throttles. The what? More later.
Flight Dynamics Engine
I am certainly no 'flight dynamics' expert, but I was impressed to read that the Dash 8 features a flight dynamics engine that functions independently of FSX.
I have read a few articles where the internal aerodynamics of the FSX engine have been questioned, regarding their accuracy. This debate has now extended to a comparison between X-Plane and FSX. Although this will mainly be a concern to the more demanding simmer, the fact that an aircraft's aerodynamics can be designed 'outside' of the limitations of FSX is interesting. This aircraft is therefore possibly the first opportunity to find out if it really does a better job!
The net effect is a claim for better and more accurate aerodynamics activity by the Dash 8.
As one example, I did notice a different feel with this aircraft in wind induced situations. There is also another interesting inbuilt feature in that the windows steam and ice up, if the correct settings are not made in the aircraft's de-icing, and de-fogging systems. I know that there are weather programs that have done this, but have not seen these effects from an aircrafts perspective.
As one of those people who normally set up the flight, take off, apply the autopilot, and then let it do almost all of the work (as designed and intended of course), the Q400 proved to need a more attentive nursemaid. This also proved to be very refreshing, as believe me, you will need to keep an eye on this one. Although many of the features are indeed automated, as suggested, matters like managing airspeed and altitude changes do need to be attended to. Monitoring systems is a keyword when flying the Q400.

Do not think for one moment that when you have 'set' indicated air speed that it will remain 'set!' If you change your altitude for example, then watch for changes in IAS, and be prepared to manage a re-set once you have achieved your next cruise altitude setting. Throttle management is crucial to making this a smooth and trouble free experience.
Fsx Majestic Software Dash 8 Q400 Cracked
Keep an eye on headwinds and be prepared to compensate. For me, this meant managing thrust and re-asserting the altitude. It did seem cumbersome to have to deal with it in this way, but this is the 'idleness' of the Boeing pilot speaking!
Perhaps there are those of you out there, who will tell me that I am playing the wrong tune, and should be doing it another way instead?
Start-up, push back, taxi, take-off, cruise, descent and landing (basic instructions - read the PDF files!)
From My Own Perspective

This is how I did it - I might have been wrong, and I know I will be told if I was! I say this, for to read all of the 'correct instructions' would have taken longer than I have had to complete this review. It is also a 'real indicator' of how many of us might rush into flying a new craft, cutting corners, and making assumptions, regarding what is right and what is wrong.
I am still one of those 'trial and error' flyers. I do get it right eventually (I think). I admit, there is so much to learn, and so little time...
After following the start up flow, it was a simple and logical process.
Majestic Software Dash 8 Q400 Pilot Edition

There is a push-back feature available through 'Services' within the FMS. A simpler 'non visual' version of GSX or the Aerosoft AES program. Functional with speech only.
Q400 Fsx
Taxiing is straight forward providing:
Majestic Dash 8 Q400 Repaints
- that you set the throttles correctly
- engage the steering tiller
- make sure the 'Flight Switch' is in the off position
- ensure that the throttle control locking device is engaged