- Released 2012, August
95g, 12.9mm thickness
Feature phone
140MB 256MB ROM 128MB RAM storage, microSD slot - 0.4%12,264,901 hits
- 3.0'240x400 pixels
- 3MP
- 128MB RAM
- 1110mAh
Nokia asha 311 websites out of 258 Thousand at KeyOptimize.com. Full touch car games for nokia asha 311 found at nokia been There are plenty of apps and games there, a lot of them free.
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- 240x400 pixels. Nokia music free unlmited, 40 hd games for free, wifi supported, angry bird & ninja fruit,3g data transfore up to 14.4mbps.
- Rakesh
- tEX
Nokia311.is good phone but his battariy back up is not bater.
- Rating0 |
- Rakesh
- tEX
Nokia311.is good phone but his battariy back up is not bater.
This means I got another app (Eclipse Birt Engine) that I pass the parameters through of an URL ( ip:port/birt/preview?__report=report.rptdesign&__format=pdf¶meters.) and it generates a PDF file, I need from my controller get that PDF and return it with Spring MVC. Spring mvc reference documentation pdf. I need return a PDF file with Spring MVC but that PDF is generated by another application.
- Rating0 |
- Rakesh
- tEX
Nokia311.is good phone but his battariy back up is not bater.
- Rating0 |
- Rahul
- uur
this phone is multitasking use?
Proxmox serial port pass through cost. However, I cannot do the same This is my interfaces: This is my ifconfig: In my vm instance of CentOS, I changed my static ip with command: vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scr ipts/ifcfg -ens18 to include: IPADDR='' NETMASK='' BROADCAST=' ' I ran command vi /etc/sysconfig/network to include: GATEWAY=''. I can access the internet from it.
- Rating0 |
- vigi
- sSK
guys its an awesome phone....and seriously you wont get any other better fone than this in such low price...it only costs 6500...very very very very smooth touch and very responsive...feather touch....u mt just fynd bit difficulties with sensors RARELY....cool in hand...and its the best fone at this price..
- Rating0 |
- Anonymous
- v0q
Good phone... The features are like on nokia 302 but the nokia 302 is not touchscreen.. I'm sure that the internet of it is fast.. Also the Wi-Fi
- Rating0 |
- xenonmobile
- vV5

hello guys, if you want to check the image, sound quality or battery review. go to my blog just type www xenonmobile blogspot com or just go to google type xenonmobile blogspot this is not a spam, enjoy
- Rating0 |
- H4v
The phone is awesome i am just gonna buy this www.downloadpcsuite.com
- Rating0 |
- AnonD-33500
- uvY
AnonD-31555, 25 Aug 2012Is it possible to view Pdf file on asha 311?there are some pdf reader available for s40 nokia phones.but they are not so good to open every pdf,mostly they fail to open.in my point of view you should go for s60v3 or s60v5 or more os running nokia phones..like c5.they are smart phones,u can instal more third party apps in them..
- Rating0 |
- sidhu
- 7qE
good mobile
- Rating0 |
- 11
- s8F
AnonD-59493, 24 Aug 2012which OS has used in Nokia Asha 311?ting tong
- Rating0 |
- sannu
- vGu
hitz, 24 Aug 2012The touch is not smooth as the rate fixed for this mobile.if we pay the same amount on samsung.. morenokia asha 311 has nokia music store were u can download upto 4.5 million songs free for 3 months, free 40 EA games moreover it has gorilla glass with scratch resistance.. while playing the video u can pause it and take the photo from d video u r watching. can capture 3 snaps in 1 shot..
- Rating0 |
- Anonymous
- YM0
dis fone does not have FF/rewind function in the video player
- Rating0 |
- AnonD-68254
- utD
who said this is a smartphon?
- Rating0 |
- juno shah
- t1$
areeba, 23 Aug 2012Plz plz tell me the performance of this model. Is there hanging problem and is this touch is g.. moreits very silky smooth phone ,neat design ,great features , excellent sound quality, affordable price..
- Rating0 |
- Anonymous
- t1$
jawad, 25 Aug 2012When it will be available in Multan(pakistan) ???? Today i go to market but did not find ;-(;-(inshallah very soon
- Rating0 |
- Anonymous
- t1$
The amazing spider man 2 pc game crack. shaj, 24 Aug 2012can i down load songs frm internetyes you can download or just trynokia music store it has 45lakhs songs
- Rating0 |
- juno shah
- t1$
AnonD-59493, 24 Aug 2012which OS has used in Nokia Asha 311?cheeky user interface used in nokiaasha 311
- Rating0 |
Asha 311 Prices In Pakistan
- Anonymous
- 2@m
bought dis fone yest. absence of multi tasking s its major drawback n its got no gps. apart from that it can perform all everyday functions with ease and speed. good alternative to android at price range of 7000 INR
- Rating0 |
- tA{
Free Games For Asha 200
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