------_=_NextPart_001_01C6429F.D89AA417 Content-Type: text/plain; charset='us-ascii' Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hello, Net::LDAP Net::LDAPS Is there a possible to LDAP bind with an encrypted (SHA, SSHA, CRYPT, ....) password? I don't like to write the secret password to the perl file. Best regards Barbara Wilbert ------_=_NextPart_001_01C6429F.D89AA417-- Wilbert Barbara (CI/OSI) * wrote: > Hello, > > Net::LDAP > Net::LDAPS > > Is there a possible to LDAP bind with an encrypted (SHA, SSHA, CRYPT, > ......
Problems while porting .Net framework 1.0 (VB.Net) application to .Net Framework 1.1
Hello, I have a ASP.Net web application,written in VB.Net,developed on .Net Framework 1.0 .I am trying to port it on to .Net framework 1.1. For achieving this,I follow the following steps- 1.Open the project using the .vbproj file. 2.I am prompted with the conversion message 'Do you want to convert the solution and all projects to .Net framework 1.1.....' 3.I click 'Yes' 4.I assume that the project is now converted. 5.I build the project & try to run it. 6.I get the following error - Server Error in '/Consert.Net' Application. ...
net send in .net
Hi, I am trying to execute net send comman in my vb.net code. But I am getting 'win32 exception unhandled error'. Please help me. My code is:Dim psi As New ProcessStartInfo() psi.UseShellExecute = False psi.FileName = 'Net send' 'xxx.xxx.xx.xx - IP address of a system in my network psi.Arguments = 'xxx.xxx.xx.xx test' Process.Start(psi) Thanks in advance! Shwetha Tryu changing psi.FileName = 'Net send' 'xxx.xxx.xx.xx - IP address of a system in my network psi.Arguments = 'xxx.xxx.xx.xx test&quo...
Differences between .net 1, .net 1.1, .net 2.0 and .net 3.0
Hi, This seems to be a common question, but i havent got an answer yet:(Can, any one please explain me the differences between these versions.If you keep your feet firmly on the ground, you'll have trouble putting on your pants! Have a look into this links http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.NET_Framework http://blogs.msdn.com/mohammadakif/archive/2006/12/03/net-3-0-different-versions-of-the-net-framework.aspx http://www.codeproject.com/aspnet/ComparisonASP1xASP20.aspAshok Rajawww.iGold.inDon't forget to click 'Mark as Answer' on the post that helped you. This credits that m...
Net Farmers net
Has anyone been able to access any of the tests at http://suicide.netfarmers.net ? I can get the default page but none of the tests appear to be operating over the last several weeks. -- CK I just tested and works as usual!!!Every session TCP_error,because my Shields_guard is intact<<G>> -- Regard: Joh@nnes� 1216771 Ont.Inc. 'Nothing is more damaging to a new truth than an old error' 'CK' <ckphalon@lascenltd.com> wrote in message news:9i45gg$1qa9$1@news.grc.com... : Has anyone been able to access any of the tests at : http://suicide...
Sending SMS using vb.net or C#.net using vb.net or c#.net
Hi My requirement is I hav one csv file with these fields id,mobilenum,messgae,status.intiallu staus is 0. once i read the all fileds and take that mobile number.using tat mobile number i need to send sms .after sending sms i shuld change status as 1 How to send sms thru coding (please dont provide any links.if it is provide also please give working links becox i checked codeproject .i didnt get any nice link. and also provide the how to update the status field im csv file Thank ssandhya To send SMS, you need some third party SMS providers. if you consul...
To .NET or not .NET, that is the question
I'm running WinXP pro 32-bit, meaning I've got the version 1-dot-something of .NET that XP came with. I've been looking for various softwares, and more and more often come across .NET version 2 being prerequisite. No urgency for me re. my questions to this group - so far I have just decided to hit the red X on those download pages - but the desire for this newer version of .NET seems to be growing for me. Firstly, according to my (limited) research, newer .NET versions are inclusive of the previous ones, and the current version seems to be 3.5. So if I go for i...
converting to vb.net from c#.net authorize.net
authorize.net offered me some sample code when I signed up with them the only problem is the sample code is in c#.net but my page that they type all of their credit card into is vb.net <code><%@ Import Namespace='System.Net' %> <%@ Import Namespace='System.IO' %> <script language='C#' runat='server'> void Page_Load(Object Src, EventArgs E) { myPage.Text = readHtmlPage('https://certification.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll'); } private String readHtmlPage(string url) { ...
Differences between .net 1, .net 1.1, .net 2.0 and .net 3.0 #2
Hi, This seems to be a common question, but i havent got an answer yet:(Can, any one please explain me the differences between these versions.If you keep your feet firmly on the ground, you'll have trouble putting on your pants! There are too many differences for one email - - from 1.0 to 1.1 (not a whole lot of real change, other than fixes, at least compared to 1.1 to 2.0) With 2.0, there were many new declarative controls, with many new ideas added in With 3.0, it's a superset of 2.0 - instead of replacing the installation completely, it just 'added on' new functionality - I would...
vb.net vs c#.net vs j#.net
just out of curiousity which looks, acts most like java? i'm still learning trying to used to vb.net but it seems that it was easier to do some stuff with java. C# is Java++ in my opinion. If you have done C or Jave you will prefer C#.Mike Schellenberger - MCAD If you are looking for language similar to java go for J#. However most code samples you find on the net will be in VB.NET and C#....
Problem VB.NET 2003 and DataWindows.net
Greetings: When trying to add manually DataWindows.net 2.0 control to my Vb.Net 2003 studio I get the following message: DataWindowInterop.dll is not a Microsoft.Net module I get the same error when trying to add DataWindow.dll Can someone advise how to resolve this problem? Thanks Hello, I am having the exact same problem. Is it even possible to use Datawindow 2.0 in Vb.Net 2003? If so what's the trick? DW .NET installed fine but the controls on the tool box don't show up. I tried adding DLL's both ways as a .NET and a COM component but neither worked. Any ...
Problem with Connection of Informix .NET Provider with .NET.
Hello All, I am facing problem regarding connection of .NET with IBM Informix .NET Data Provider.I got a help from IBM site of Manual to connect with .NET and accessing informix as a informix .net data provider you need to import IBM.Informix.data as a namespace to access .NET based informix classes as similar to access sql server using namespace system.data.sqlclient.In that manual written as following---- Before you use the IBM Informix .NET Provider, you must execute the script, cdotnet.sql, against the sysmaster database as the user informix. So, my problem is that...
use VB.NET and C#.NET code in the same C#.NET project
All-- Here is a sample that is 'off the beaten path', (at least for me). Is it possible, in an ASP.NET application, using the code-behind page building technique, to have both pages written in VB.NET and pages written C#.NET?At http://www.WebLogicArts.com/DemoList.aspx there is a sample that shows that, (contrary to popular belief), it IS possible to mix ASP.NET pages built with C#.NET with ASP.NET pages built with VB.NET in the same VS.NET 2003 project. Note that this is just a 'fun' sample to see if it can be done and I do not recommend this practice as a 'standard' way of develo...
Problem with .net elements in vb.net Response.Write
I need to do a response.write on an aspx page in vb.net , where as the response.write will display on 'if' condition. I'm trying to display an Iframe that contains another file, with querystring parameters. Even when I double up/escape the quotation marks, still get a 'String constants must end with a double quote' error on this line: <%= response.write('<IFRAME src=banners/nv-A1List.aspx?zone=<%=request.querystring('zone')%> name=banner width=234 height=60 frameborder=no border=0 MARGINWIDTH=0 MARGINHEIGHT=0 SCROLLING=no>...
How can I decompile a.dll file or an.exe file? Update Cancel. Decompile to what? The most likely result you will get would be some assembly code. Perhaps a decompiler can produce C code, but with non significant identifiers, so hard to read. Related QuestionsMore Answers Below. How can I crack a DLL file? How do I open a DLL file. Sothink SWF Decompiler 7.4.5263 Full Crack adalah aplikasi untuk mendekompilasi SWF ke FLA / FLEX, mengkonversi Flash ke HTML5. Perangkat lunak Sothink SWF Decompiler 7.4.5263 Full Crack ini adalah flash decompiler terkemuka dan Flash untuk HTML5 converter. Password: www.gigapurbalingga.net. Link Download.
Decompile .NET assemblies to C#
dotPeek is a free-of-charge standalone tool based on ReSharper's bundled decompiler. It can reliably decompile any .NET assembly into equivalent C# or IL code.
The decompiler supports multiple formats including libraries (.dll), executables (.exe), and Windows metadata files (.winmd).
Export decompiled code to Visual Studio projects

As soon as you've decompiled an assembly, you can save it as a Visual Studio project (.csproj). This can potentially save a lot of time if you need to restore lost source code from a legacy assembly.
Download source code and debug third-party code
Net Decompiler C
dotPeek can identify local source code based on PDB files, or fetch source code from source servers such as Microsoft Reference Source Center or SymbolSource.
dotPeek can also perform as a symbol server and supply Visual Studio debugger with the information required to debug assembly code.
dotPeek inherits a lot of features from ReSharper. These include contextual and context-insensitive navigation, usage search, as well as different code structure and hierarchy views.
Find usages of any symbol
Use Find Usages to search for all usages of a symbol, be it a method, property, local variable or a different entity. The Find Results tool window lets you group usages, navigate between them, and open them in the code view area.
Jump to a type, symbol or anything
Dot Net Decompiler
Whenever you put a caret on a symbol in the code view area, dotPeek offers a plethora of contextual navigation options that are all available via Navigate To drop-down menu.
Navigate to related code
dotPeek indexes all assemblies in your assembly list, as well as all assemblies that they reference, and provides features to quickly jump to specific code. For instance, Go to Everything allows searching for an assembly, namespace, type, member, or a recently opened file.
Long-time users of JetBrains ReSharper will feel at home working with dotPeek as it provides ReSharper-like navigation and search, code insight, and familiar keyboard shortcuts.
ReSharper Ultimate:
a set of .NET tools and ReSharper C++ in one license
Dot Net Decompiler
Net Decompiler For Mac
ReSharper Ultimate is a license that combines individual JetBrains .NET tools, as well as ReSharper C++.
Each ReSharper Ultimate license allows a single developer to use ReSharper, ReSharper C++, dotCover, dotTrace and dotMemory.