- Sniper Ghost Warrior 1 Save Game File Online
- Sniper Ghost Warrior 1 Crack
- Sniper Ghost Warrior 1 Download
Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 Save Game Download by Savegamedownload Published May 29, 2017 Updated May 28, 2017 Completed 100%. Last time i quit the game it crashed went to bed and woke up now to play, my save file is GONE?! Says 'Start a new campgaign' -_. Go to C: Users ProfileName Saved Games Sniper Ghost Warrior 3, zip SaveGames folder and send it please at support@cigames.com It will help us a lot! Thanks for your cooperation. Sniper Ghost is one of the best video games in Sniping genre and is back again with its second installment on PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. The games with several dangerous missions with highly graphical gameplay.
- – Sniper Ghost Warrior Save Game – Platform: PC – Status: 100%. The democratic government of Isla Trueno has been overthrown and a military regime comes into power. The country becomes a theatre of influence war. You are sent as one of the covert commandos to support the rebels fighting their oppressor. [City Interactive].
- Hi all i have found a fix. Go into sniper ghost warrior an create this file an path The path to the settings is C: Program Files City Interactive Sniper Ghost Warrior Game out Settings then open notepad an copy an paste the txt below and save file as video.scr in to the settings folder you created.!
- 1) C: Users your name Documents Sniper – Ghost Warrior out Settings. Delete the Video.scr file and restart the game. (The file will be re-created) 2) C: Users your name Documents Sniper – Ghost Warrior out Settings. Open notepad, drag the Video.scr file into notepad. See if you can figure out which settings will be best for your system.
In this scenario the game switches you between the available roles: once you're a sniper who sneaks to the uranium mine and covers his attacking companions, another time you're one of these three brave commandos. You start your game as a sniper. Wait for the end of a cutscene showing the interior of a stolen truck which is closing to the uranium mine (#1). Here your sniper gets out and the truck continues moving through the mine. Your first task is to reach the observation point 72 - the route is indicated with the white dots displaying on the screen.
When the proper gameplay starts, sneak to the rock being visible on the left side of a path. From behind this stone you can take out using your sniper rifle the guard on the watch tower, then shoot dead other bad guys hanging around this wooden construction (#2).
Sniper Ghost Warrior 1 Save Game File Online

After the shoot-out you can also turn around to see in the distance the enemy checkpoint on the road (#3).
Use your sniper rifle to eliminate its numerous crew (#4).
Be careful, though, because you may be surprised from behind by the attack of some individual running from the direction of the bonfire. Kill him, if you see him now (#5).
But if you didn't spot him now, then you'll kill him later, when you're closing to this bonfire (#6). Afterward, enter the caves - the entrance should be pointed by one of these useful white dots.
The caves area is quite large, but I'd recommend exploring the whole net of these caves. Use your silenced pistol to eliminate all the enemies on your way. You'll encounter the first ones right behind the entrance (#7). During your exploration of the caves you'll be informed via the radio about a current location of the stolen truck with your companions onboard.
Kill all the opponents you'll encounter in the caves (#8).
Take out also the guy who you'll probably see outside - he's walking on some cat-walk (#9).
In fact, it's rather hard to get lost in these caves - there are no cul-de-sacs and every leg leads somewhere. Finally, you'll get outside - there's a jungle around you and to your right you can see the fence enclosing the mine site (#10). Your task now is to join Delta 3, in other words - your companions, who are waiting in a stolen truck. They've got a little problem, because their vehicle was locked in the garage - with them inside the truck. What the morons! ;-). They can't open the gate by themselves without raising the alarm, so they need your help. You have to open the gate of the garage from the outside.
Move along the fence towards the direction indicated by white dots. At one point you'll see behind the fence a wooden tower with a guard and another mugger under this construction (#11). I'd suggest leaving these bad guys a-loin. Go crouch and silently sneak in this place behind the fence.
Stay silent all the time, don't let the enemy to detect you and by-pass this watch tower and all the opponents near it without attacking them! (#12)
Sniper Ghost Warrior 1 Crack
Sneak to the right, towards the sandy road and then move downhill along it (#13).
All the time walk along the roadside. At one point you'll see two bad guys standing behind the vehicle parked on the right roadside - they're are chatting near a bonfire in a front of some shack (#14). Shoot both gossipers before they see you.
Proceed further along this wide road, until you'll get to an excavator - walk through the big hole in the fence located behind the vehicle (#15).
Sniper Ghost Warrior 1 Download
You'll again get near some road. Hide in bushes and use your silenced sniper rifle to take out the guy who is standing on this road (#16). Afterward, crawl along this footbridge located in front of you onto the roof of the shack built of corrugated sheet metal.