The Complete Tutankhamun The King, The. The Tomb of Tutankhamun. The Treasures of the Tomb The Complete Valley of the Kings by Nicholas Reeves Chronicle of the. The Complete Tutankhamun By Nicholas Reeves Pdf File. CT scans on the Tutankhamun's Mummy's Maskmummy were released. To remove the objects from the body, which in many cases were stuck fast by the hardened embalming resins used, Carter's team cut up the mummy into various pieces: the arms and legs were detached.

This account of the Valley of the Kings brings together its art, archaelogy and history in one volume arranged thematically. Famous as the burial place of the great New Kingdom pharaohs - such as Tutankhamun, Ramesses the Great and Tuthmosis IV - this valley contains some 80 tombs which were dug at the climax of Egyptian power more than 3000 years ago. The account includes full descriptions of over 80 tombs, complete with factfiles, lists of contents and computer-generated perspective cutaway views. It describes the burials and mummies of famous pharaohs, from Tutankhamun and gives a blow-by-blow account of the rediscovery of the tombs, from Greek and Roman times to Howard Carter and the present day. It details the latest research by the international teams in the valley, including the discovery of the tomb for the sons of Ramesses the Great. The planning and ritual purpose of the tombs is also described, from the royal workforce to the scenes from the mysterious 'afterlife' books adorning the tomb wall. A full reference section, including a guide to visiting the valley, is also given.

Dr Nicholas Reeves
- Howard Carter Before Tutankhamun, Carl Nicholas Reeves, 1993, Egypt, 201 pages.. The tomb of Tutankhamen, Howard Carter, 1972, Travel, 236 pages. The leader of the excavation describes the events surrounding the 1922 discovery of Tutankhamen's tomb in Egypt's Valley of Kings. The golden age of tutankhamun, zahi hawass, 2004, History, 162 pages.
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Nicholas Reeves Egypt
Nicholas Flamel Flamel
The present treatise was translated into into Portuguese P ortuguese from ŒUVRES of Nicholas Flamel by H. Agiatria Agiatriass and translate into English English by Rubellus Petrinus . Corrected by Louis Grenier.
THE BREVIARY Nicholas Flamel
That is done in in the Name Na me of God, Amen. Amen. The first first step in Wisdo Wisdom m is the fear fear of God. God .
I, Nicholas Flamel, Flamel, Clerk of Paris, in this this year of o f 1414 14 14, of the reign of o f our blessed blesse d pri pr ince Charl Char les VI, may God bless, and after the death de ath of my faithful faithful compani co mpanion on Perrenell Pe rrenelle, e, remembering of her, her, I am taken take n by fantasy and joy to write write in your favour dea d earr nephe nephew, w, the whole whole mastery aste ry of the secret of the the Projection Powder Powd er or Phil Philosophica osop hica l Tincture, Tincture, that concede God to gi give for his his insign nsignii fica nt serf, that I did as you will will do d o if you proceed proc eed as I will will tell you. Foll F ollow, ow, therefore, with with art and understand understanding ing the speeches of o f the Phil Philosop hers concerning concerning the secret, but you you don't take their their writi writings ngs to the the letter, letter, because beca use although although they can be understoo understood d accordin acco rding g to the the Nature, they would not be useful useful to you. There Therefore, fore, don't do n't forget to pray God that give give you understand understa nding ing of reason, rea son, of o f truth and of nature, so that you see in this this book bo ok, in which which is written written the secret sec ret word by word and page the the page, page, and and as I did did and and worked worked with with your your dear aunt aunt Perrenel Perrenellle, that I remember so intense intensely. ly. Thus, Thus, I placed place d the maste mastery ry in this this boo b ook, k, so that you don't forget forget of the great good goo d that God grants you and that He favours favours you. This This is so that that you don't do n't forget, forget, in its
memory, memory, to sing sing and to psalm psa lmod odiies in your your praises and nothing nothing can be more adequate ade quate to cel ce lebrate eb rate such good event than exalted songs. Thus, I wrote this book by my own hand, and that it had destin de stined ed to the Sai Sa int-Jac nt- Jacques ques church, bein be ing g of o f the said parish, after finding finding Abraham Abra ham the the Jew 's book, I didn't didn't want want to sell sell thi this for money oney and and I kept it it with with much care to wri write in it the the said said secret of the alchemy alchemy in letter letterss and a nd character chara cterss of o f my im imaginat ag inatio ion, n, for whi which I give give you the the key. Take Take care, therefore, of main mainta taining ining it secret and don't ever forget to keep kee p in silence silence and remember remember me, when I am in the 'sudarium 'sudarium', remembering remember ing that I prepa pre pared red such document, do cument, so that that you become beco me yourself a grea greatt maste masterr in in philosop philosophic hic alchemy, because bec ause this this is my pleasure, desire, de sire, comfort comfort and fantasy to grant you such secret. Thus, Thus, do lilike I did and make known k nown that I am of advanced ad vanced and decrep dec repit it age and everything in honour of o f God and Church helping helping the poor po or needy need y widows and a nd orphans orp hans like like I have to this this hour founded rents and a nd hospital hospitalss and decorate decora te d twenty-two houses of God in loyalty loyalty and devotion. devotion. Thus Thus listen to your document do cument and place it deep de ep in your heart and do not not diverge diverge from the path pa th of the truth. truth. Thus, kee k eep p secret sec ret this this mastery, prey pre y and invoke invoke the Holy Holy Spiri Sp iritt enligh enlighte tenin ning g our intentions ntentio ns and our spirit spirit in such a way to work Alchemy Alchemy in the path pa th of Nature. Na ture.
I am going going, therefore, to begin your document by clear clear and a nd ful full sermon so that that it doesn't does n't conf co nfuse use your understa understand nding, ing, before be fore telling telling some things things on the practice pra ctice of o f work. work . I wanted to bring you, through the theory, to know what is the the alchemy, alchemy, that is is to say, the science of converting co nverting metallic metallic bodies bodies in gold gold and perfect perfect sil silver, vesti vestin ng health ealth to the hum human an bodies bodies and and trans transfforming orming rocks and stones quickly in true and precious pre cious (gems). This This knowledge, has no other similar similar one that that exist, and by it is constituted constituted an art without without parall pa rallel, el, that is is to say, Philosoph Philosophic, ic, by whi which ch is made made a uni universal medicinal edicinal body bod y converting converting Saturn, Mars, Jupiter, Jupiter, Moon and and Mercury in in pure, pure, clear, bril brillian liant, t, limpid pid Sun and of the the colour colour of this this mineral neral, but stil still better better than than any metal metalli licc gold old and that inclu include de in itself itself the virtue virtue and the power po wer to heal all all ilillness, advance ad vance the devel deve lopm op ment en t of any vegetables vegetab les before be fore its term and of transforming transfor ming all stones in diamonds diamonds and rubies. Such S uch art and mastery is made by the way of Nature, Nature , by the approp app ropriate riate regim r egimee of fire fire and by the industry ndustr y of the opera op erator. tor. Proceed Proce ediing in everything everythin g with the natural reason rea son of understand understa nding, ing, little little by little you wil will fini finiss h the work if if you never never get tired tired of o f cook co okin ing g with with pati pa tience ence, without without anxiety. anxiety. Thus Thus so that the philoso philosoph phica ica l work may begi be gin, n, which which is on the course co urse of Nature, Na ture, as an understand ing man, you should should seek see k two main main intentions intention s : the first first is is the the right right understand understa nding ing of the things things that I will will tel te ll you. Because Beca use me, well before be fore to work wo rk and to begin the suitab suitable le way, as an understand ing man, had had alrea already dy the understand ing in the nature nature of o f mercury, sun and the saturnia, saturnia, as I said in my my book boo k where is engraved the illustra illustratio tions ns that you will will see s ee in the cemetery arches. arc hes. Even so, so , I was retained for more than twenty-three twenty- three and a half years in trying trying to conjugate the moo moon, n, that is is the quick quicksilver, silver, with with the sun and to expurgate the dregs dre gs of the sun and the semina seminall moon, a deadly de adly poi po ison because be cause I didn’t know k now the agent or o r the medium medium to use in fortifyin fortifying g the Mercury, beca b ecause, use, without without this this medium, medium, it is as vulgar vulgar water, water , it it cannot cannot dissolve the moon, the sun or, as you fortify fortify water, water , this this mercury is fortifi fortified ed in the same manner manner so that later later, by force force of mani manipulating pulating and and work, fi finally nally I discov discovered ered in the four fourth th and and fifth leaves eaves of my my book of Abraham.
For Fo r this this reaso re ason, n, the second intentio intention n is to know how you should should fortify fortify this this mercury through the metallic agent, without without which which is not possibl po ssible, e, in another way, to reach rea ch the inner inner of the sun and of the moo moon, n, the ones which, which, bein be ing g hard, they cannot be open op en without without the sulphuro sulphurous us spirit of o f the gold and of the moon. Thus, Thus, it is nece necessary ssary to procee pro ceed d by having having them be together with with the metallic agent, that is is to say, the royal saturni sat urniaa and then then after, a fter, fortify fortify the merc mercury ury by the phil philosophical art so that, that, then then, thi this dissol dissolv ves in liqueur the the sun or the the moon, moon, remove remove the the significa significant nt dregs dre gs of its its putrefaction. putrefactio n. Know Kno w that no other form exist exist nor mastery of o f worki work ing in this this art besides the one that I give give to you, word for word, w ord, whose work is not easy to accompli accomplis h and thorny in discovering, discoverin g, if itit be not not taught taught as I tell you, because bec ause the Sun S un and Moon Mo on are very hard bodies bodies that that cannot cannot be total totallly opened opened except except by the mercuri ercurial al spiri spirits ts fortifi ortified ed by ways ways and and phil philosophical procedures. procedures. Every Everything thing else else is false false and and induces nduces to fai failure and and deception deception as I worked work ed in in great displeasure, for a long time, time, and without without that procedure proc edure, the merc mercury ury stays sta ys cold, co ld, hydropic and earthy and is is without without plenty of o f force in that case to penetrate pe netrate deep de ep in the viscera viscera of the two perfect bodies bo dies Sun and Moon. If the mercury is not not previously p reviously warmed up with with the metallic sulphuro sulphurous us fire, fire, its soft water out of its body bo dy and has has not not rejected reje cted its faec faecal al and black black earth, ear th, itit is is still still vulgar vulgar mercury. erc ury. In that state, penet pe netrating rating in their their wombs wo mbs and a nd they in in he’s, they take tak e in in astral life, life, growth and vegetation, vegeta tion, they beco be come me ali alive, just as they were in in the the rocks roc ks of the mines. mines. By thi this way is is made the conjug co njugatio ation n of the philoso philosoph phica ica l sun, moon and of the the merc mercury, ury, but not not the the vulgar vulgar ones ones and and not in any any other other way. way. But But how can the the mercury ercury be forti fortifie fied d like thi this? Ponders, Po nders, in first first place, place , that no other water, wate r, besides the mercury, mercury, extracts extrac ts the Sulphur Sulphur of the metal's womb, in a way, that without without it, in the beginning, in the midd middlle and in in the end, none can open op en nor do anything that is is good, good , beca be cause use itit is is the attractiv attrac tivee virtue, virtue, made activ ac tive, e, that mak makes es everything and beco be com mes engross with the sul sulphur, phur, just as the sulphur sulphur lives lives of it. What you see of the mines, mines, water of o f dry sulphuro sulphurous us vapour vapo ur and merc mercuri uriaa l wet vap vapour our is mad madee all metals, because, beca use, one and other love love each ea ch other and attract a convenient convenient nature nature to itself, tself, that is is to say, the nature nature pursues its nature, and never never in another way wa y do procee pro ceed d the instrume instrument nt of the Nature, Nature, even even in the the art, because because one one loves its compan companiion as the fem femal alee attract attractss the the male ale to herself, herself, rejoi rejo icing from time time to time, time, as what you see in very clear and a nd gracefu grace full engraving in the the image of o f the Fourth illu illuss tratio tra tion, n, where I displayed the young mercury with with the caduceus caduce us and the horrible horrible serpents serp ents around aro und the gold gold sti s tick ck that he holds holds in his his hand: hand : because, bec ause, without without this, this, I never would known the hermetic hermetic mercury, which which we compose co mpose by the art and philoso philosoph phica ica l industry industry of the metallic metallic sulphur sulphur and mercury, in the first first prepara prep aration. tion. Take care in in understand understa nding ing my words, word s, written written with with honesty and of good - faith faith in your intentio intention, n, dear de ar and loved loved nephew, so that you don't don' t fail fail and beg to God for for the salvatio salvatio n of my my soul and use it in the the way wa y of fairness fairness of our good God, God , to who I beg be g that, from now on, grant grant you health of the body, underst understan and d ing, ing, inten ntenti tio o n, judi judici cious ous wil will, recti rectitude tude and heart heart loyal oyalty. ty. Beli Believes eves firmly rmly that that the whole whole art of the industry ndustr y resides in the philoso philosop p hical hica l mercury erc ury prep p repara aration, tion, since since in itit is is everything that we intende intended d and what what intende intended d the old sages and that us, just as them, have nothing nothing less to do than to prepare prep are it with with the sun sun and a nd the the moo moon, n, because be cause, without without it, nothing nothing exists in in the whole mundane sphere that can ca n produce pro duce the said philosoph philosophica ica l and med medici icinal nal tincture. tincture. The natural art a rt is in learning ea rning how to extract of it it the live live and spiritua spirituall seed see d contain co ntained ed in its visce viscera ra and bowe b owells which which seed see d is the matter so s o praised pra ised by the the sages sa ges in in their writing writingss and books, whi which aff affirm, with without out arti artifice or fal falllacy, acy, that that the the matter matter of the the mutati utativ ve tinct tinctu ure of the the metals in gold is is one and only only and dissolves truly truly everything e verything without without falsificat ion io n or decep de cepti tion, on,
although they say nothing nothing of its prepara prep aration. tion. This This one lies lies in these three only, nowhere else, because because in other other metalli etallicc bodies bodies it is not as good, it is viti vitiated ated and and spoil spoiled, whi while, here, here, it is pure, authentic and true. Observe Ob serve then, then, that one thing thing doesn't do esn't give give anyth a nything ing if it doesn’t doe sn’t possess poss ess it, it, and by consequence conse quence, seek see k only the sun sun and the moon, as well as the merc mercury ury el e labora ab orate ted d by the philoso philosoph phica icall art, dai da intily prepa pre pared red, that doesn't doe sn't wet the hands, which which metal eta l is is in in itself a sulphuro sulphurous us metal eta llic soul, that is, the igneous igneous light light and, so that you don't don' t stray of the the right right way, seek se ek the the metals, and there is the said sulphur sulphur enclosed enclose d daintily indee indeed, d, almost almost similar similar to the the sun. sun. You will will find find it in to caves and depths of the ones that are made of iron, of gold and of brass (is it brass or copper), that is to say, the sun almost almost purest from one o ne to the other, and if you you are aware, awa re, such sul s ulphur phur has the the power to dye dye the the hum humid and cold cold moon, that that is fine sil silver, in pure pure yell yellow and good gold, gold, but it is is necessary neces sary that tha t itit be done do ne by the spiritua spirituall medicine, that is is to say, the key that discovers and opens all metals metals that I will will tell you. Now, No w, think think about ab out which which minera inera l is a thief thief that eats everything everythin g except excep t the gold and a nd the moon, that turns good this this thief, thief, because be cause when it has has them in in its its womb, them it is is good and a nd capable capa ble to prepa pre pare re the quick quicksilv silvee r as I wil will teach teac h you in in its time. time.
Thus, Thus, do not not deviate from the right right path pa th and refer to my my other explanations. explanat ions. Soon So on after, after, work in the practice pra ctice that I will will surrender surrende r to you on behalf be half of the Father, Fa ther, of o f Son and of o f the Holl Holly Spi Sp irit, Adorable Trinity. Amen. You wil will seek s eek, first, first, to take tak e the the fi first- born bo rn child child of Saturn Saturn that is not not the vul vulgar, gar, 9 parts, pa rts, of the steel stee l sabre of the warring God, God , 4 parts. pa rts. Makes Mak es these to rubify rubify in a crucible. When it is is red and melted melted, pour po ur inside inside the 9 parts pa rts of Saturn, Sa turn, as a s I told you. This This will will eat e at the the other quickly: clean very v ery well the faec faecal al dregs d regs that arise a rise to the top of Saturni Sa turniaa with nitre and a nd tartar, for four four or five five times. times. It will will be goo good d when you yo u see an astral astra l sign like a star over the regul re gulus. us. Thus, Thus, of gold is made the key ke y and the chopper chopp er that that opens op ens and cuts all meta meta ls, but above ab ove all, all, the sun, the moon and merc mercury, ury, all of which which he eats, devour devo ur and a nd keeps keep s in its womb. You Yo u will will have this this way wa y the the right right engineer engineering ing and understa understand nding ing if you worked as is right, right, because because this saturnine saturnine is the triumpha triumphant nt real rea l herb because be cause it is the moon, and the littl littlee impe imperfec rfectt king that that we promote to the degree de gree of o f great glory and honour and a nd is is also the queen, quee n, that is to say, the moon and the wife of the sun. Thus, Thus, it is is male male and femal femalee and our hermap hermaphrod hrodite, ite, that is is the merc mercury ury and is is the rea l work in image of the seventh leaf and fi first gift gift of o f Jewish Abraham, Abra ham, which which is two serpents serp ents around aro und a stick of gold, gold, as you you will will see in in this book bo ok that I made myself in my fantasy, in the the best b est way that I could represent, represe nt, for discernme discernme nt and as phil philosophica osop hica l docum doc ument. ent. Take care, then, then, in getting getting a good supply and a nd provi pro vision, sion, because be cause it is is necessary necess ary that you obtai obta in a large amount, 12 or 13 pounds po unds or or more, if you want to work in many operations. You wil will marry, then, the young young mercury, that is is to say, the quicksilver quicks ilver with with the philoso philosop p hical hica l mercury saturni sa turniaa l, so that, that, through it, you can encourage enco urage and a nd fortif fortify y the said said com co mmon qui q uick cksilver silver
by 7, and even 10 to 11 tim times with with the the above-ment above-mentiio ned ned agent agent, call called key or sabre sabre of sharp sharp steel, steel, so that itit cuts efficient efficiently ly and penetrate penetra te in the body bo dy of the metals. When you have have acco ac com mplis plis h this this mastery, you will will poss p ossess ess the the double or triple triple water, water , painted painted in the the Rosebush Rose bush image, image, of the book boo k of Abraham Abra ham the Jew, whi which trickles from the base ba se of an oak tree, tree , that is is to say, of o f our Saturni Sat urnia, a, that is is the key, ke y, and preci prec ipitate itself itself in the abyss, as a s affirms affirms the said Jew, meaning in the receiver that is is attached attac hed to the retort retor t throat, where will will fall fall the referred re ferred double do uble merc mercury, ury, by art of a proporti proportionate onate sui suitable table fire. But here here it meets meets a grievous grievous thorn, impossibl mpossib le even to work if if God doesn't do esn't reveal re veal the referred secret or a master doesn't d oesn't transmit transmit it, because the mercury mercury does doe s not conjugated conjugated with with royal Saturni Sa turniaa without without a thing thing that is occult in the right right art and to be examin examined ed as to how it is made and how it works, work s, beca b ecause use if if you don't don' t know how is is mad madee the valour valour and peace pea ce with the mentioned mentioned quicksilver, you will will find find nothing nothing that is is worth. Thus, Thus, dear de ar and beloved nephew, as I don't do n't intend to hide hide anything, so I to tell you everything without without keep ke epiing anything and to show you as you should should discover corre c orrectly, ctly, step ste p by step, step , what is is necessary nece ssary in this this philoso philosoph phica ica l mastery, maste ry, therefore, the refore, I wil will tell you that, without without sun or the moon, the said work wor k won't be profitab profitab le to you. You Yo u wil will make the old man man or voraci vorac ious wolf, wolf, eat gold or sil silver, in weight weight and mea measure, sure, as I wil will tell you. Pay Pa y attenti atte ntion on to my explanations explanatio ns so that you don't mak makee mistak mistakee and fail fail as it it happened happ ened me in in this this task. task . How is is it then then that you give give to eat the gold gold to our old dragon? Refle Refle ct on thi this with good goo d sense, because be cause if you you give give little ittle gold to the the melted melted Satúrni Sa túrnia, a, it will will ope o pen n very well, well, but the quicksilver won't take tak e life; life; here an inco incongruo ngruous us thing thing that itit won't be useful, useful, in that I worked work ed much, much, full full of sadness, sad ness, before be fore finding finding the corre c orrect ct way of doi do ing. So, So , if you give give it to eat a lot of of gold, it won't be b e so open ope n and disposed, dispose d, but b ut it will will abso a bsorb rb the quicksilver soon soo n and both bo th will will be be conjugated conjugated in paste. Does as you you saw me do. Notice that it is is necessary nece ssary to handl handlee everything everything accord acc ordiing to the the weights weights that I tell you because bec ause without without that you won't work in your profit, profit, but in in your detrimen detriment, t, remember it. There is the found found proc p roced edure. ure. Seal Se al the secret, secre t, because be cause itit is is everything and never write write it on paper pa per, nor any other thing thing that one can see written, because be cause we would be b e the cause for the damage of the profane pro fane universe. universe. So I transmit it under the rigi rigid secret sec ret of the secret sec ret of the the conscience, for the love love that I have for you. Take X parts of fine fine clean and purged gold 9, 10 to 11 times times only by the voraci vorac ious wolf and then after 11 parts par ts (20 in in Alchimie Alchimie de Flamel, Flamel, Savary Sa vary edi ed itions, pg.25) pg.2 5) of the Saturnia, and melt melt it in in a crucible. When they are melted melted, pour po ur in in the X of fin finee gold, melt both bo th and stir with a burning burning coal. co al. Your gold gold will will react rea ct a little. little. Pour Po ur itit on a marble, powd p owdered ered, with with 12 of quicksilver. Make Mak e them as butter or cheese chee se by mix mixing ing and tossing tossing one and another, here and there, from time time to time, time, washi wa shing ng with with clean tap ta p water, until until that the water comes c omes out clear and the mass mass seems se ems clear clear and white white (you will will do d o like this with the melted melted moon). Then is mad madee the conjunct conjunctiio n with with solar so lar Saturnia. Sa turnia. As soon soon as it is like like butter, butte r, you will will take tak e the mass that you you will will dry d ry slowly with a thin cloth, with with much art. Here is our lead and a nd our mass of o f gold gold and a nd moo moon, n, not the the comm c ommon, on, but phil philosophical. osophical. Now place place them them, in a good good refract refractory ory mud retort, retort, preferabl preferablee of steel steel, after after in an oven, and give give it fi fire, heating up little little by little. Adapt Adap t a suitab suitable le receiver rec eiver to the retort reto rt for for two hours and a nd viv vivify ify the fire fire so much much that the mercury erc ury passes pa sses to the the receiver. This This is the mercury or water of o f the blooming rosebush, rose bush, the blood of the innocent innocent ones in in the book bo ok of Abraham Abra ham the Jew, Je w, being being the the water water of the the phil philosophical osophical gold gold and and of the moon. moon. You can beli believe eve that that thi this mercury ercury ate a little ittle of the King's bod b ody y and it can dissolve dissolve with much more powe p owerr the the other, o ther, after a fter itit be more more covered with the Saturnia body.
You will will have, like like this, this, gone up a step or echel eche lon in the stairway of the art. Take the faeces faec es out o ut of the retort, melt them in in a crucible to strong stro ng fi fire, extracting extrac ting the whole saturnine saturnine smog, and when the gold gold melted is clean, infuse nfuse inside, inside, as the first first time, time, two of Saturni Sa turnia. a. Then is the sun IX infused nfused in the said faeces faece s much much more open op en than than the t he first first time, time, and as the mercury mercur y is now more more acid than before, it will will have acqui acq uired red much much more strength str ength and a nd vigour vigour to scrutinise scrutinise and, so to speak spe ak, to devour itit and to fill fill its womb wo mb littl littlee by little. little. Pay Pa y attention, dear de ar nep nephew, hew, to the degrees degree s of the art of Nature Na ture and of the Reason, Reas on, so that you arise by the echelons at the highest highest level of o f the the Philoso Philosoph phy, y, that is on all the course course of Nature and a nd that that would have never found found if I didn't transmit transmit to you you this this mastery. maste ry. Therefore, bless the Lord for he he granted granted me to give give you, because be cause without without this, this, nothing nothing would serve se rve you to work, work , as some do with with dam da mage of savings, savings, infinite infinite sorrow sorro w and works, work s, anxious anxious vigil vigilss and depressing depre ssing concerns. co ncerns. Do then, as a s from the the first first times, times, marry the extracted extrac ted merc mercury ury already a lready mentioned, mentioned, robust rob ust in graduation, grind grinding ing and mixin mixing, g, so that it it extracts extract s the whole whole blackness, black ness, and dry as I told you. Put everything in the retort as above and do no more more or o r less as you you have done, do ne, during during two hours hours to gentle gentle and approp app ropriate riate fire, after strong and a nd goo good d to force the merc mercury ury out and to the receiver. re ceiver. You will will have the mercury much much more acute and a nd you wil will have reached reac hed at this this moment moment the second sec ond step ste p of the philoso philosoph phiica l echelon. Conti Co ntinue nue to work as you have have bee b een, n, throwing the saturnine Son So n in conveni co nveniee nt weight, weight, littl littlee by little, ittle, handling with discernm disce rnmee nt, no more or o r less, as a s you did did in in the begi be ginning, nning, until you reach rea ch the tenth step of the stairway. Rest then. then. You alrea already dy poss p ossess ess the the said igneous igneous and acute mercury, mercury, ful fully engrossed engrosse d of male male sulphur and of the vigour vigour of the astral astra l salt that that procee pro ceed d of the deepe dee pest st caves and a nd visce viscera ra of the gold gold and of our saturnine dragon. dra gon. Believe Believe that I write you you things things that no Philoso Philosopher pher never said sa id or wrote before. b efore. It is the wonderful cad c aduceus uceus of o f which which all Sages talk about ab out in in their their book bo oks, s, affi affirr ming that he alone has the power powe r of accompli acc ompliss hing hin g the whole whole phil philosophical work. work. Thei Theirr statem statemen ents ts are true, true, as I discov discovered ered alone alone when when worki working ng with with thi this mercury, just as you you can get, get, if it is your your fantasy, because be cause this this one and no other, consti co nstitute tutess the close nature and the root of the all meta metalls. It is about posses po ssessin sing g this this mercury, merc ury, and no other liqueur, as think think some ignoran ignorantt and foo fools ls that don’t reflect reflect that these metals metals are mad madee of the liqueur that the referred mercury reduce re duces, s, dissolving in liqueur liqueur the sun and the moo moon, n, in in ord er to prepare natu natural rally ly and and sim simply the the phil philosophical tin tincture cture or the projecti projection on powder, capable capable of transmute transmute all metals in sun and moo moon, n, that some some think think having having mastered when they possess posse ss this this proper celesti celestial al mercury ercury, but fai faill greatl greatly y in thi this, facin acing displ displeasu easures res before before picki picking ng the the rose, for lack of understanding. It is true that if they knew k new correc co rrectly tly the prop pr oportions ortions and the fire fire regime, regime, they woul wo uld d not have a lot of effort effort and they coul co uld d not go wrong, although they wanted it, but in this this art it it is lilike this the way of working. working. Listen Listen and try to do as I teach tea ch you. On O n behalf behalf of God you wil will take, tak e, then, then, of your animated animated mercury 2 or 4 parts pa rts as you want, put p ut in in alone into into a closed matrass or with two of solar Satúrnia, Satúrnia, bei be ing one of gold and two of Satúrni Sa túrnia, a, everything eve rything amalga amalgamate mated d as butter, carefully car efully and with with dexterity de xterity, wash, clean and dry. Close the top to p with goo good d wax, that is is to say, the lute (SEAL) (S EAL) of wisdo wisdom. m. Place this this conf co nfection, ection, as does do es the the sitting sitting hen over its its eggs. Leave the mercury like like this this prepar pre pared ed to foll follow its course co urse for some days, that is, during during 40 or 50 days until until you see formed formed white white or red sulphur sulphur of philoso philosop p hical hica l sublim sublima te in the the vase, which which com co mes from the rays of the said mercury. We pick this with a feather, beca be cause use they are the the living living gold and a nd silver silver born bo rn out of the mercury itself. itself.
Take now the white white or red sulphu sulphur, r, grind grinding ing it in a glass glass or marb marblle mortar, orta r, wetting it with with the third third part par t of its weight weight of the mercury, from where it was extracted extrac ted by sublim sublimat atio ion, n, said sulphu sulphurr having having arise from the putrefaction putrefact ion of the merc mercury. ury. Make Mak e a paste of both like like butter, pour po ur this this mixture mixture in a closed matrass atra ss on the oven, with approp appr opriate riate and a nd gentle gentle fire fire of ashes, as the phil philosophical underst understan and d ing, ing, cook unti untill the the mercury ercury has transf transform ormed ed in sulphur sulphur.. Duri During ng thi this coction, co ction, you will will obse o bserve rve a surprising things things in your vase vase, all all of the the colours of o f the world, which which you cannot admi ad mire re without without elevating your heart to God, in in action ac tion of thanks to such high high gift. gift. When you arrive arrive to the red purple, purple, harvest it, because bec ause the alchemi alchemicc powder powd er is is elaborated elaborate d now and capab cap able le of transmuting transmuti ng any meta metall in in fine, fine, pure and limp imp id gold, that you can ca n multiply multiply by wetting, wetting, as you did, did, grinding with with new mercury, erc ury, cook co okin ing g in the same vase, vas e, same oven and same fire. fire. It will will be b e a much shorter shorte r opera op erati tion, on, however, its forc forcee will will have ten times times more power. po wer. Here it it is is the complete complete mastery to the mercury, mercury, that some don't believe believe to be true true because be cause they are deaf de af and imbecil bec ilee and unabl unablee to produce prod uce such work. If you you want to work by other way, take ta ke fin finee gold, three parts p arts in fine fine powde po wdered red or in very well lamina aminate te sheets, prep p repare are a paste pa ste with with 7 parts pa rts of your phil philosop oso p hical hica l mercury, which which is our moon. Place it in in an oval matrass to the oven, very well cl c losed, ose d, and appl app ly very strong fire, as to keep the lead in in a liqui liquid d state without without to sit sit or to coagul coa gulate, ate, beca be cause use then it it is is the right right way of regulat regulating ing the fire fire regime, regime, and your mercury, that is is your your philosop philosophic hicaa l wind, wind, it ascend asce nd and goes down do wn on the body bo dy of the gold, that devours devo urs little little by little little and that transports transpor ts in its its womb. Cooks Co oks so much that the gold gold and the the mercury mercury don't ascend and go down anymore anymore and stay both copul cop ulated ated and have have consumm consummated the peace and and the agreement agreement among among the two dragons, that are a re fire fire and water united united.. N ow, you wil will have in your your vase a black black face, as dissolved pitch, which which is the mark mark of death and putrefaction putre faction of the gold gold and the key of the whole whole mastery. Resuscitate and regenerate these two by cookin coo king g for 40 days, and don't be b e annoyed; annoyed; soon their their wil will appear app ear several mutatio mutations, ns, such as the colour colour black, grey, gre y, green, white, orange orange colour and, fin finall ally, y, a red like blood blood or of crim crimson poppy. Worry only only about about thi this last one, because because it is the true true sul sulphur, phur, finished nished and you posses po ssesss the the alchemic alchemic powder po wder.. I won't tel te ll you the just just term, because be cause it is is a function function of the work of the labourer, ab ourer, however, you cannot fail fail if you do what I teach tea ch you.
If you you desi de sire re to mul multip tiply ly the stone stone or powder, take one o ne part of it and soak soa k it with with two parts of your animated animated mercury, cook coo k as you did in the matra matrass ss after you have done a soft paste pa ste with with them, in the same oven and in the same fire. In less time the second term of the philosophical wheel will will be accompli acc ompliss hed and the the powder po wder acqui acq uires res ten times times more power po wer than than in its first first birth. Make Mak e it turn turn again a gain or o r as much much as you want, and you wil will have conclu co nclude ded d the treasure without without price, price, the the best that that exist exist in the whol wholee world, world, besides besides whi which you cannot cannot aspire aspire more. You possess health and wealth if you use itit as you owe. You have the treasure treas ure that grants all the mundane mundane happi happ iness and that that me, poor po or rural native native of Pontoise, did and acco ac compl mpliished she d by three times times in my my
house of the street of Escrivains, Escrivains, very close close to the chapel of StSt - Jacques-deJacques- de-lla-Boucherie a- Boucherie and that that me, Ni N icholas Flamel, Flamel, grant you for the love love that I for you and in in honour of God, God , for its its Glory and praise praise of the Father, Father, of the the Son and of the the Holy Holy Spiri Spirit, t, and and the the sacred Tri Trinity, to who who I beg that, that, starting from this this moment, illumina illuminate te you and lea lead d you on the way to the truth and of the lig light ht as well as of the salvatio salvatio n way. Amen. Amen.
Pay attention, attention, now, in the good form form of o f working, working, to raise raise or o r elevate elevate the phil philosophica osop hica l paste and to force and increa increase se it by means of the suitab suitablle and philoso philosop p hical hica l ferment. ferment. You wil will take tak e three parts parts of fi fine powdered powdered gold gold and six six parts parts of anim animated mercury ercury with with a part and half half of red sulphur. sulphur. Mary these ingredient ingredientss together, grind grind them in in a glass glass mortar lilike butter or cheese, chees e, place this this compositi c ompositio o n in a closed matrass to the fire fire like like the hen heat. During During the cook co okiing, don't do n't get tired tired and a nd you wil will see a wonderful wonde rful thing, thing, that the human human comprehens co mprehensiio n is surpassed surpas sed and a nd cannot argue nor deny, such is is beauti bea utiful ful the work of the the nature nature with with its mutations mutations which which reveals revea ls itself in all colours that dazzl da zzlee as they obscure ob scure the handler's handler's eyes so intense intensely ly that there is nothing nothing in this this world that can do the the same. Then, in suitable suitable time, time, you wil will observe ob serve that your vase will will contain c ontain red invigora invigorate te powder po wder, of like like blood col co lour just as purple. Here it is com co mplete the art of the phil philosophical alch alchem emy y, indeed, such such a gran grand d miracle racle that that is incredi ncredib b le. Don’t Don’t hurry hurry to say that that you possess posse ss this this munda mundane ne treasure trea sure and a nd know that that it it cures all diseases diseas es see even all all inf infir irmit mities ies that can’t be cured cured by any docto do ctors rs except excep t by the philoso philosoph phica ica l docto do ctor. r. Thus, Thus, it wil will transmute transmute any melted melted metal in in the crucible, by the injunc njunc t ion of itit even on o n boil bo iling ing mercury, in fin fine, e, pure, clean and coloured gold and resistant to the whole whole judgement of men, of the fi fire, even of the lea lead d and of the voracious wolf, wolf, a thief thief that t hat snatches everything e verything besides besides it, but still still better, be tter, it transforms transfor ms stones and a nd minera minerall crystal or rocks roc ks in in fi fine rubies.
You can ca n still still make another anothe r thing, this is, if if you want flower flowerss and fruits fruits in the cold co ld of the Winter, dissolve 6 grains grains of the referred red powde po wderr when when it comes out of o f the vase vase in 10 pints pints of water of lukewarm ukewa rm dew de w and wate waterr such tree or flower flower that you want, placing them insi inside de your home or coverin co vering g them with straw or o r hay and a nd you you will will see, see , in littl littlee time, time, a sudden sudd en and wonderful vegetatio vegetation n and growth growth which which will will surprise surp rise you you very much. much.
In order ord er to inf inform orm you as how you should should use this this medicine for the health of your bod b ody y and of your memory, memory, notice that when you have the powder powd er out of the vase it it is crim crimson red, red , you should should dissolve some grains grains in white white wine wine or aquavi aq uavitae tae, until that the wine wine is coloured, just gilded, gilded, because because it is the righ rightt mark. Don't Don't fear to gi give it to the the sick sick 12 1 2 or 15 drops in in win wine, broth or other other liqueur and they they will will be cured as a s by miracle. miracle. Don't ever eve r boast bo ast of having having done do ne that, beca be cause use men men are evil evil and a nd envi envious, when unable of doi do ing the same as others. Thus, Thus, so that you maintain maintain the dai da ily health hea lth, take tak e 9 drops dro ps of it, it, di d issol sso lved and gilded, gilded, in four four seasons sea sons of o f the the year, that is to say, in in
22 of March, June June 22, 2 2, September 22 and and December 22, in in the li liqueur that you prefer. Using Using it as I teach teac h you, you, you won't never suffer suffer of illnesse llnessess and you will will enjoy a happy hap py lif life, e, full full of o f health and a nd of wealth, you will will be b e master of o f the whole whole nature, because be cause you will will poss p ossess ess more more prec p reciious stones, stones , gold and sil silver than princes and kings. kings.
Here in this this proced pro cedure. ure. Melt M elt in in a crucible 10 ounces ounces of fi fine gold and throw throw in it, on o n the melted melted gold, one ounce of the red powder. Leave in very strong fire for two hours, remove the crucible, let it cool, coo l, break bre ak it and you wil will see in in the bottom botto m a red glass, glass, that is the exalted gold, true and royal powder po wder capab cap ablle of transmut transmut i ng all meta metalls in pure gold, gold, better be tter than than the one found found in the the mines. mines. You can, lilike this, this, dispose dispos e of great fortunes, fortunes, that even the kings kings cannot get without without acquiring acquiring it from from other. Procee P roceed, d, therefore, therefore, dear dea r nephew, like like me, by b y helping helping the poor, poo r, our brothers brothers in God, to to ornam ornamen entt our our Redeemer's Redeemer's templ temples, es, to free free of the the prison prisonss many any captive captive detained de tained for money, and the good and a nd loyal loyal use that you will will do with with it will will lead ead you on the way to glory glory and eternal sal sa lvation, in God' Go d'ss mansion, mansion, that I, Nicholas Flamel, Flamel, wish wish you on behalf be half of the Eternal Father, Fa ther, of Redeemers' Rede emers' Son So n and of the Holy Holy Spi Sp irit Illuminato Illuminato r, Holy sacred sacre d and adora ad orable ble Trinity, Trinity, Amen. Grind the red glass and pour it in a kept closed in matrass and when you want to make good gold starting from the lea lead, d, tin, tin, brass, bra ss, silver silver or mercury, erc ury, make them to melt melt in a crucible crucible and purges them there, except e xcept the moon and the mercury mercury just as soon as a s they smoke smoke, throws on 30 or 40 pounds pounds of this this mercury ercury, or of the the others others that that I spoke to you, you, 5 or 6 grai grain ns of mul multipli tiplied ed powder and wrapped wrapp ed up in wax. You wil will be surprised to find find them transmuted in gold. The fae faeces ces issued aside from the said metals, pass pa ss everything everything to the the ashes, place it on the furnace furnace and, if if they are too red and powdery, powd ery, melt silver silver and throw throw on the red mass grinded grinded, or, if you you prefer, pre fer, marry it with with the merc mercury, ury, place everything everyth ing on the furnace furnace, and Saturn, Sa turn, Jupiter, Mars or Sun, Mercury Merc ury and Moon will will be b e fine, fine, soft and col co loured as suits. suits. Remembe Rememberr to giv givee thanks to God. There is the whole whole mastery that I releas releasee to you you without without omitting omitting anything, my dear and bel be loved nephew of my so dear de ar wife wife Perrenell Pe rrenellee blessed in God. God . Amen. Amen. Note that that the the first imbib bib itio itio ns of the red powder, one part transm transmut utee a hun hundred dred parts. parts. One second, second, thousand parts: pa rts: of the third, third, ten thousand: of fourth, fourth, a hundre hundred d thousand, tho usand, always stronger, thing thing that cannot be understood if you don’t see it with your own eyes. So, So , if you intend intend to make a lot of gold, dear de ar nephew, which which is never never advi ad visab sable le because be cause it c an bring bring inconv nconvenience enience and and damage damage, put a one hundr hundred ed thous thousan and d ounce ouncess of qui quicksilv cksilver in a great iron cauldron c auldron to strong fire. fire. When it is is hot to smoke, have already prepa pre pared red one ounce ounce of scarlet sca rlet powder of the the fourth ourth imbib bib ition tio ns, wrap wrap it with with wax as a smal smalll b all all and and throw throwss it on the the said quicksilver smoking. smoking. The smoke will will disappe disap pear ar quickly. quickly. Activate the fire fire and soon soo n it will will change, part in in mass and part in powder of yel yelllow gold gold that that you wil will melt elt in a cruci crucibl blee and you wil will drain drain in mass mass or o r ingot ingot and you you will will extract extrac t of this this whole mercury about ab out 99,1 99 ,170 70 ounce ouncess of pure gold, gold, of unbeatable unbeata ble qualit qualit y, that will will use as you fi find best. be st. Here you you are, dear de ar nephew, much much richer than
all the the kings, beca b ecause use you will will have more than they and than they can dispose dispo se in entire mund mund ane kingdo kingdom. m. But you make ak e gold gold little little by little, ittle, with with prudence, prudence , without reveal revea ling anything to anybody anybod y and without without ever trusting trusting anyone. So itit is that I unmasked unmasked you the treasure of all the treasures trea sures of this this world that I had and mad madee with with my own hands with with my so dear de ar and beloved companion c ompanion Perrenell Pe rrenelle. e. Use, therefore, of this this treasure trea sure on behalf of the Father, Fa ther, of Son and of the Holy Spiri Sp irit, t, so that you liv livee without without concerns, co ncerns, rich in thi this world, and have the palm p alm of glory glory in the Ki K ingdom of God, God , that I wish wish you. yo u. Amen. Amen. END GLOSSARY
MEASURES MEASURES OF WEIGHT Scruple - Old weigh weightt measure correspondin corresp onding g to 1,296g. 1,296 g. Weight measure correspondi corresp onding ng to 0,0648 0,0 648g. g. Grain - Weight Gros - Measure Mea sure of equi eq uivalent valent weight weight for 3,55 3, 55g. g. Pound - Unit Unit of equi eq uivalent valent mass for for 453, 45 3,59 59g g (Engla (Engla nd). eq uivale valent nt German wei we ight measure for 14,17g. 14,1 7g. Lot - Old equi weight measure for the gold gold and the the silver silver corresp co rresponding onding to 16,6 16 ,6g. g. Mark - Old weight measure of equivalent equivalent weigh weightt for 28,349g. 28,3 49g. Ounce - Old measure
The present treatise was translated into into Portuguese P ortuguese from ŒUVRES of Nicholas Flamel by H. Agiatria Agiatriass and translate into English English by Rubellus Petrinus . Corrected by Louis Grenier.
THE BREVIARY Nicholas Flamel
That is done in in the Name Na me of God, Amen. Amen. The first first step in Wisdo Wisdom m is the fear fear of God. God .
I, Nicholas Flamel, Flamel, Clerk of Paris, in this this year of o f 1414 14 14, of the reign of o f our blessed blesse d pri pr ince Charl Char les VI, may God bless, and after the death de ath of my faithful faithful compani co mpanion on Perrenell Pe rrenelle, e, remembering of her, her, I am taken take n by fantasy and joy to write write in your favour dea d earr nephe nephew, w, the whole whole mastery aste ry of the secret of the the Projection Powder Powd er or Phil Philosophica osop hica l Tincture, Tincture, that concede God to gi give for his his insign nsignii fica nt serf, that I did as you will will do d o if you proceed proc eed as I will will tell you. Foll F ollow, ow, therefore, with with art and understand understanding ing the speeches of o f the Phil Philosop hers concerning concerning the secret, but you you don't take their their writi writings ngs to the the letter, letter, because beca use although although they can be understoo understood d accordin acco rding g to the the Nature, they would not be useful useful to you. There Therefore, fore, don't do n't forget to pray God that give give you understand understa nding ing of reason, rea son, of o f truth and of nature, so that you see in this this book bo ok, in which which is written written the secret sec ret word by word and page the the page, page, and and as I did did and and worked worked with with your your dear aunt aunt Perrenel Perrenellle, that I remember so intense intensely. ly. Thus, Thus, I placed place d the maste mastery ry in this this boo b ook, k, so that you don't forget forget of the great good goo d that God grants you and that He favours favours you. This This is so that that you don't do n't forget, forget, in its
memory, memory, to sing sing and to psalm psa lmod odiies in your your praises and nothing nothing can be more adequate ade quate to cel ce lebrate eb rate such good event than exalted songs. Thus, I wrote this book by my own hand, and that it had destin de stined ed to the Sai Sa int-Jac nt- Jacques ques church, bein be ing g of o f the said parish, after finding finding Abraham Abra ham the the Jew 's book, I didn't didn't want want to sell sell thi this for money oney and and I kept it it with with much care to wri write in it the the said said secret of the alchemy alchemy in letter letterss and a nd character chara cterss of o f my im imaginat ag inatio ion, n, for whi which I give give you the the key. Take Take care, therefore, of main mainta taining ining it secret and don't ever forget to keep kee p in silence silence and remember remember me, when I am in the 'sudarium 'sudarium', remembering remember ing that I prepa pre pared red such document, do cument, so that that you become beco me yourself a grea greatt maste masterr in in philosop philosophic hic alchemy, because bec ause this this is my pleasure, desire, de sire, comfort comfort and fantasy to grant you such secret. Thus, Thus, do lilike I did and make known k nown that I am of advanced ad vanced and decrep dec repit it age and everything in honour of o f God and Church helping helping the poor po or needy need y widows and a nd orphans orp hans like like I have to this this hour founded rents and a nd hospital hospitalss and decorate decora te d twenty-two houses of God in loyalty loyalty and devotion. devotion. Thus Thus listen to your document do cument and place it deep de ep in your heart and do not not diverge diverge from the path pa th of the truth. truth. Thus, kee k eep p secret sec ret this this mastery, prey pre y and invoke invoke the Holy Holy Spiri Sp iritt enligh enlighte tenin ning g our intentions ntentio ns and our spirit spirit in such a way to work Alchemy Alchemy in the path pa th of Nature. Na ture.
I am going going, therefore, to begin your document by clear clear and a nd ful full sermon so that that it doesn't does n't conf co nfuse use your understa understand nding, ing, before be fore telling telling some things things on the practice pra ctice of o f work. work . I wanted to bring you, through the theory, to know what is the the alchemy, alchemy, that is is to say, the science of converting co nverting metallic metallic bodies bodies in gold gold and perfect perfect sil silver, vesti vestin ng health ealth to the hum human an bodies bodies and and trans transfforming orming rocks and stones quickly in true and precious pre cious (gems). This This knowledge, has no other similar similar one that that exist, and by it is constituted constituted an art without without parall pa rallel, el, that is is to say, Philosoph Philosophic, ic, by whi which ch is made made a uni universal medicinal edicinal body bod y converting converting Saturn, Mars, Jupiter, Jupiter, Moon and and Mercury in in pure, pure, clear, bril brillian liant, t, limpid pid Sun and of the the colour colour of this this mineral neral, but stil still better better than than any metal metalli licc gold old and that inclu include de in itself itself the virtue virtue and the power po wer to heal all all ilillness, advance ad vance the devel deve lopm op ment en t of any vegetables vegetab les before be fore its term and of transforming transfor ming all stones in diamonds diamonds and rubies. Such S uch art and mastery is made by the way of Nature, Nature , by the approp app ropriate riate regim r egimee of fire fire and by the industry ndustr y of the opera op erator. tor. Proceed Proce ediing in everything everythin g with the natural reason rea son of understand understa nding, ing, little little by little you wil will fini finiss h the work if if you never never get tired tired of o f cook co okin ing g with with pati pa tience ence, without without anxiety. anxiety. Thus Thus so that the philoso philosoph phica ica l work may begi be gin, n, which which is on the course co urse of Nature, Na ture, as an understand ing man, you should should seek see k two main main intentions intention s : the first first is is the the right right understand understa nding ing of the things things that I will will tel te ll you. Because Beca use me, well before be fore to work wo rk and to begin the suitab suitable le way, as an understand ing man, had had alrea already dy the understand ing in the nature nature of o f mercury, sun and the saturnia, saturnia, as I said in my my book boo k where is engraved the illustra illustratio tions ns that you will will see s ee in the cemetery arches. arc hes. Even so, so , I was retained for more than twenty-three twenty- three and a half years in trying trying to conjugate the moo moon, n, that is is the quick quicksilver, silver, with with the sun and to expurgate the dregs dre gs of the sun and the semina seminall moon, a deadly de adly poi po ison because be cause I didn’t know k now the agent or o r the medium medium to use in fortifyin fortifying g the Mercury, beca b ecause, use, without without this this medium, medium, it is as vulgar vulgar water, water , it it cannot cannot dissolve the moon, the sun or, as you fortify fortify water, water , this this mercury is fortifi fortified ed in the same manner manner so that later later, by force force of mani manipulating pulating and and work, fi finally nally I discov discovered ered in the four fourth th and and fifth leaves eaves of my my book of Abraham.
For Fo r this this reaso re ason, n, the second intentio intention n is to know how you should should fortify fortify this this mercury through the metallic agent, without without which which is not possibl po ssible, e, in another way, to reach rea ch the inner inner of the sun and of the moo moon, n, the ones which, which, bein be ing g hard, they cannot be open op en without without the sulphuro sulphurous us spirit of o f the gold and of the moon. Thus, Thus, it is nece necessary ssary to procee pro ceed d by having having them be together with with the metallic agent, that is is to say, the royal saturni sat urniaa and then then after, a fter, fortify fortify the merc mercury ury by the phil philosophical art so that, that, then then, thi this dissol dissolv ves in liqueur the the sun or the the moon, moon, remove remove the the significa significant nt dregs dre gs of its its putrefaction. putrefactio n. Know Kno w that no other form exist exist nor mastery of o f worki work ing in this this art besides the one that I give give to you, word for word, w ord, whose work is not easy to accompli accomplis h and thorny in discovering, discoverin g, if itit be not not taught taught as I tell you, because bec ause the Sun S un and Moon Mo on are very hard bodies bodies that that cannot cannot be total totallly opened opened except except by the mercuri ercurial al spiri spirits ts fortifi ortified ed by ways ways and and phil philosophical procedures. procedures. Every Everything thing else else is false false and and induces nduces to fai failure and and deception deception as I worked work ed in in great displeasure, for a long time, time, and without without that procedure proc edure, the merc mercury ury stays sta ys cold, co ld, hydropic and earthy and is is without without plenty of o f force in that case to penetrate pe netrate deep de ep in the viscera viscera of the two perfect bodies bo dies Sun and Moon. If the mercury is not not previously p reviously warmed up with with the metallic sulphuro sulphurous us fire, fire, its soft water out of its body bo dy and has has not not rejected reje cted its faec faecal al and black black earth, ear th, itit is is still still vulgar vulgar mercury. erc ury. In that state, penet pe netrating rating in their their wombs wo mbs and a nd they in in he’s, they take tak e in in astral life, life, growth and vegetation, vegeta tion, they beco be come me ali alive, just as they were in in the the rocks roc ks of the mines. mines. By thi this way is is made the conjug co njugatio ation n of the philoso philosoph phica ica l sun, moon and of the the merc mercury, ury, but not not the the vulgar vulgar ones ones and and not in any any other other way. way. But But how can the the mercury ercury be forti fortifie fied d like thi this? Ponders, Po nders, in first first place, place , that no other water, wate r, besides the mercury, mercury, extracts extrac ts the Sulphur Sulphur of the metal's womb, in a way, that without without it, in the beginning, in the midd middlle and in in the end, none can open op en nor do anything that is is good, good , beca be cause use itit is is the attractiv attrac tivee virtue, virtue, made activ ac tive, e, that mak makes es everything and beco be com mes engross with the sul sulphur, phur, just as the sulphur sulphur lives lives of it. What you see of the mines, mines, water of o f dry sulphuro sulphurous us vapour vapo ur and merc mercuri uriaa l wet vap vapour our is mad madee all metals, because, beca use, one and other love love each ea ch other and attract a convenient convenient nature nature to itself, tself, that is is to say, the nature nature pursues its nature, and never never in another way wa y do procee pro ceed d the instrume instrument nt of the Nature, Nature, even even in the the art, because because one one loves its compan companiion as the fem femal alee attract attractss the the male ale to herself, herself, rejoi rejo icing from time time to time, time, as what you see in very clear and a nd gracefu grace full engraving in the the image of o f the Fourth illu illuss tratio tra tion, n, where I displayed the young mercury with with the caduceus caduce us and the horrible horrible serpents serp ents around aro und the gold gold sti s tick ck that he holds holds in his his hand: hand : because, bec ause, without without this, this, I never would known the hermetic hermetic mercury, which which we compose co mpose by the art and philoso philosoph phica ica l industry industry of the metallic metallic sulphur sulphur and mercury, in the first first prepara prep aration. tion. Take care in in understand understa nding ing my words, word s, written written with with honesty and of good - faith faith in your intentio intention, n, dear de ar and loved loved nephew, so that you don't don' t fail fail and beg to God for for the salvatio salvatio n of my my soul and use it in the the way wa y of fairness fairness of our good God, God , to who I beg be g that, from now on, grant grant you health of the body, underst understan and d ing, ing, inten ntenti tio o n, judi judici cious ous wil will, recti rectitude tude and heart heart loyal oyalty. ty. Beli Believes eves firmly rmly that that the whole whole art of the industry ndustr y resides in the philoso philosop p hical hica l mercury erc ury prep p repara aration, tion, since since in itit is is everything that we intende intended d and what what intende intended d the old sages and that us, just as them, have nothing nothing less to do than to prepare prep are it with with the sun sun and a nd the the moo moon, n, because be cause, without without it, nothing nothing exists in in the whole mundane sphere that can ca n produce pro duce the said philosoph philosophica ica l and med medici icinal nal tincture. tincture. The natural art a rt is in learning ea rning how to extract of it it the live live and spiritua spirituall seed see d contain co ntained ed in its visce viscera ra and bowe b owells which which seed see d is the matter so s o praised pra ised by the the sages sa ges in in their writing writingss and books, whi which aff affirm, with without out arti artifice or fal falllacy, acy, that that the the matter matter of the the mutati utativ ve tinct tinctu ure of the the metals in gold is is one and only only and dissolves truly truly everything e verything without without falsificat ion io n or decep de cepti tion, on,
although they say nothing nothing of its prepara prep aration. tion. This This one lies lies in these three only, nowhere else, because because in other other metalli etallicc bodies bodies it is not as good, it is viti vitiated ated and and spoil spoiled, whi while, here, here, it is pure, authentic and true. Observe Ob serve then, then, that one thing thing doesn't do esn't give give anyth a nything ing if it doesn’t doe sn’t possess poss ess it, it, and by consequence conse quence, seek see k only the sun sun and the moon, as well as the merc mercury ury el e labora ab orate ted d by the philoso philosoph phica icall art, dai da intily prepa pre pared red, that doesn't doe sn't wet the hands, which which metal eta l is is in in itself a sulphuro sulphurous us metal eta llic soul, that is, the igneous igneous light light and, so that you don't don' t stray of the the right right way, seek se ek the the metals, and there is the said sulphur sulphur enclosed enclose d daintily indee indeed, d, almost almost similar similar to the the sun. sun. You will will find find it in to caves and depths of the ones that are made of iron, of gold and of brass (is it brass or copper), that is to say, the sun almost almost purest from one o ne to the other, and if you you are aware, awa re, such sul s ulphur phur has the the power to dye dye the the hum humid and cold cold moon, that that is fine sil silver, in pure pure yell yellow and good gold, gold, but it is is necessary neces sary that tha t itit be done do ne by the spiritua spirituall medicine, that is is to say, the key that discovers and opens all metals metals that I will will tell you. Now, No w, think think about ab out which which minera inera l is a thief thief that eats everything everythin g except excep t the gold and a nd the moon, that turns good this this thief, thief, because be cause when it has has them in in its its womb, them it is is good and a nd capable capa ble to prepa pre pare re the quick quicksilv silvee r as I wil will teach teac h you in in its time. time.
Thus, Thus, do not not deviate from the right right path pa th and refer to my my other explanations. explanat ions. Soon So on after, after, work in the practice pra ctice that I will will surrender surrende r to you on behalf be half of the Father, Fa ther, of o f Son and of o f the Holl Holly Spi Sp irit, Adorable Trinity. Amen. You wil will seek s eek, first, first, to take tak e the the fi first- born bo rn child child of Saturn Saturn that is not not the vul vulgar, gar, 9 parts, pa rts, of the steel stee l sabre of the warring God, God , 4 parts. pa rts. Makes Mak es these to rubify rubify in a crucible. When it is is red and melted melted, pour po ur inside inside the 9 parts pa rts of Saturn, Sa turn, as a s I told you. This This will will eat e at the the other quickly: clean very v ery well the faec faecal al dregs d regs that arise a rise to the top of Saturni Sa turniaa with nitre and a nd tartar, for four four or five five times. times. It will will be goo good d when you yo u see an astral astra l sign like a star over the regul re gulus. us. Thus, Thus, of gold is made the key ke y and the chopper chopp er that that opens op ens and cuts all meta meta ls, but above ab ove all, all, the sun, the moon and merc mercury, ury, all of which which he eats, devour devo ur and a nd keeps keep s in its womb. You Yo u will will have this this way wa y the the right right engineer engineering ing and understa understand nding ing if you worked as is right, right, because because this saturnine saturnine is the triumpha triumphant nt real rea l herb because be cause it is the moon, and the littl littlee impe imperfec rfectt king that that we promote to the degree de gree of o f great glory and honour and a nd is is also the queen, quee n, that is to say, the moon and the wife of the sun. Thus, Thus, it is is male male and femal femalee and our hermap hermaphrod hrodite, ite, that is is the merc mercury ury and is is the rea l work in image of the seventh leaf and fi first gift gift of o f Jewish Abraham, Abra ham, which which is two serpents serp ents around aro und a stick of gold, gold, as you you will will see in in this book bo ok that I made myself in my fantasy, in the the best b est way that I could represent, represe nt, for discernme discernme nt and as phil philosophica osop hica l docum doc ument. ent. Take care, then, then, in getting getting a good supply and a nd provi pro vision, sion, because be cause it is is necessary necess ary that you obtai obta in a large amount, 12 or 13 pounds po unds or or more, if you want to work in many operations. You wil will marry, then, the young young mercury, that is is to say, the quicksilver quicks ilver with with the philoso philosop p hical hica l mercury saturni sa turniaa l, so that, that, through it, you can encourage enco urage and a nd fortif fortify y the said said com co mmon qui q uick cksilver silver
by 7, and even 10 to 11 tim times with with the the above-ment above-mentiio ned ned agent agent, call called key or sabre sabre of sharp sharp steel, steel, so that itit cuts efficient efficiently ly and penetrate penetra te in the body bo dy of the metals. When you have have acco ac com mplis plis h this this mastery, you will will poss p ossess ess the the double or triple triple water, water , painted painted in the the Rosebush Rose bush image, image, of the book boo k of Abraham Abra ham the Jew, whi which trickles from the base ba se of an oak tree, tree , that is is to say, of o f our Saturni Sat urnia, a, that is is the key, ke y, and preci prec ipitate itself itself in the abyss, as a s affirms affirms the said Jew, meaning in the receiver that is is attached attac hed to the retort retor t throat, where will will fall fall the referred re ferred double do uble merc mercury, ury, by art of a proporti proportionate onate sui suitable table fire. But here here it meets meets a grievous grievous thorn, impossibl mpossib le even to work if if God doesn't do esn't reveal re veal the referred secret or a master doesn't d oesn't transmit transmit it, because the mercury mercury does doe s not conjugated conjugated with with royal Saturni Sa turniaa without without a thing thing that is occult in the right right art and to be examin examined ed as to how it is made and how it works, work s, beca b ecause use if if you don't don' t know how is is mad madee the valour valour and peace pea ce with the mentioned mentioned quicksilver, you will will find find nothing nothing that is is worth. Thus, Thus, dear de ar and beloved nephew, as I don't do n't intend to hide hide anything, so I to tell you everything without without keep ke epiing anything and to show you as you should should discover corre c orrectly, ctly, step ste p by step, step , what is is necessary nece ssary in this this philoso philosoph phica ica l mastery, maste ry, therefore, the refore, I wil will tell you that, without without sun or the moon, the said work wor k won't be profitab profitab le to you. You Yo u wil will make the old man man or voraci vorac ious wolf, wolf, eat gold or sil silver, in weight weight and mea measure, sure, as I wil will tell you. Pay Pa y attenti atte ntion on to my explanations explanatio ns so that you don't mak makee mistak mistakee and fail fail as it it happened happ ened me in in this this task. task . How is is it then then that you give give to eat the gold gold to our old dragon? Refle Refle ct on thi this with good goo d sense, because be cause if you you give give little ittle gold to the the melted melted Satúrni Sa túrnia, a, it will will ope o pen n very well, well, but the quicksilver won't take tak e life; life; here an inco incongruo ngruous us thing thing that itit won't be useful, useful, in that I worked work ed much, much, full full of sadness, sad ness, before be fore finding finding the corre c orrect ct way of doi do ing. So, So , if you give give it to eat a lot of of gold, it won't be b e so open ope n and disposed, dispose d, but b ut it will will abso a bsorb rb the quicksilver soon soo n and both bo th will will be be conjugated conjugated in paste. Does as you you saw me do. Notice that it is is necessary nece ssary to handl handlee everything everything accord acc ordiing to the the weights weights that I tell you because bec ause without without that you won't work in your profit, profit, but in in your detrimen detriment, t, remember it. There is the found found proc p roced edure. ure. Seal Se al the secret, secre t, because be cause itit is is everything and never write write it on paper pa per, nor any other thing thing that one can see written, because be cause we would be b e the cause for the damage of the profane pro fane universe. universe. So I transmit it under the rigi rigid secret sec ret of the secret sec ret of the the conscience, for the love love that I have for you. Take X parts of fine fine clean and purged gold 9, 10 to 11 times times only by the voraci vorac ious wolf and then after 11 parts par ts (20 in in Alchimie Alchimie de Flamel, Flamel, Savary Sa vary edi ed itions, pg.25) pg.2 5) of the Saturnia, and melt melt it in in a crucible. When they are melted melted, pour po ur in in the X of fin finee gold, melt both bo th and stir with a burning burning coal. co al. Your gold gold will will react rea ct a little. little. Pour Po ur itit on a marble, powd p owdered ered, with with 12 of quicksilver. Make Mak e them as butter or cheese chee se by mix mixing ing and tossing tossing one and another, here and there, from time time to time, time, washi wa shing ng with with clean tap ta p water, until until that the water comes c omes out clear and the mass mass seems se ems clear clear and white white (you will will do d o like this with the melted melted moon). Then is mad madee the conjunct conjunctiio n with with solar so lar Saturnia. Sa turnia. As soon soon as it is like like butter, butte r, you will will take tak e the mass that you you will will dry d ry slowly with a thin cloth, with with much art. Here is our lead and a nd our mass of o f gold gold and a nd moo moon, n, not the the comm c ommon, on, but phil philosophical. osophical. Now place place them them, in a good good refract refractory ory mud retort, retort, preferabl preferablee of steel steel, after after in an oven, and give give it fi fire, heating up little little by little. Adapt Adap t a suitab suitable le receiver rec eiver to the retort reto rt for for two hours and a nd viv vivify ify the fire fire so much much that the mercury erc ury passes pa sses to the the receiver. This This is the mercury or water of o f the blooming rosebush, rose bush, the blood of the innocent innocent ones in in the book bo ok of Abraham Abra ham the Jew, Je w, being being the the water water of the the phil philosophical osophical gold gold and and of the moon. moon. You can beli believe eve that that thi this mercury ercury ate a little ittle of the King's bod b ody y and it can dissolve dissolve with much more powe p owerr the the other, o ther, after a fter itit be more more covered with the Saturnia body.
You will will have, like like this, this, gone up a step or echel eche lon in the stairway of the art. Take the faeces faec es out o ut of the retort, melt them in in a crucible to strong stro ng fi fire, extracting extrac ting the whole saturnine saturnine smog, and when the gold gold melted is clean, infuse nfuse inside, inside, as the first first time, time, two of Saturni Sa turnia. a. Then is the sun IX infused nfused in the said faeces faece s much much more open op en than than the t he first first time, time, and as the mercury mercur y is now more more acid than before, it will will have acqui acq uired red much much more strength str ength and a nd vigour vigour to scrutinise scrutinise and, so to speak spe ak, to devour itit and to fill fill its womb wo mb littl littlee by little. little. Pay Pa y attention, dear de ar nep nephew, hew, to the degrees degree s of the art of Nature Na ture and of the Reason, Reas on, so that you arise by the echelons at the highest highest level of o f the the Philoso Philosoph phy, y, that is on all the course course of Nature and a nd that that would have never found found if I didn't transmit transmit to you you this this mastery. maste ry. Therefore, bless the Lord for he he granted granted me to give give you, because be cause without without this, this, nothing nothing would serve se rve you to work, work , as some do with with dam da mage of savings, savings, infinite infinite sorrow sorro w and works, work s, anxious anxious vigil vigilss and depressing depre ssing concerns. co ncerns. Do then, as a s from the the first first times, times, marry the extracted extrac ted merc mercury ury already a lready mentioned, mentioned, robust rob ust in graduation, grind grinding ing and mixin mixing, g, so that it it extracts extract s the whole whole blackness, black ness, and dry as I told you. Put everything in the retort as above and do no more more or o r less as you you have done, do ne, during during two hours hours to gentle gentle and approp app ropriate riate fire, after strong and a nd goo good d to force the merc mercury ury out and to the receiver. re ceiver. You will will have the mercury much much more acute and a nd you wil will have reached reac hed at this this moment moment the second sec ond step ste p of the philoso philosoph phiica l echelon. Conti Co ntinue nue to work as you have have bee b een, n, throwing the saturnine Son So n in conveni co nveniee nt weight, weight, littl littlee by little, ittle, handling with discernm disce rnmee nt, no more or o r less, as a s you did did in in the begi be ginning, nning, until you reach rea ch the tenth step of the stairway. Rest then. then. You alrea already dy poss p ossess ess the the said igneous igneous and acute mercury, mercury, ful fully engrossed engrosse d of male male sulphur and of the vigour vigour of the astral astra l salt that that procee pro ceed d of the deepe dee pest st caves and a nd visce viscera ra of the gold gold and of our saturnine dragon. dra gon. Believe Believe that I write you you things things that no Philoso Philosopher pher never said sa id or wrote before. b efore. It is the wonderful cad c aduceus uceus of o f which which all Sages talk about ab out in in their their book bo oks, s, affi affirr ming that he alone has the power powe r of accompli acc ompliss hing hin g the whole whole phil philosophical work. work. Thei Theirr statem statemen ents ts are true, true, as I discov discovered ered alone alone when when worki working ng with with thi this mercury, just as you you can get, get, if it is your your fantasy, because be cause this this one and no other, consti co nstitute tutess the close nature and the root of the all meta metalls. It is about posses po ssessin sing g this this mercury, merc ury, and no other liqueur, as think think some ignoran ignorantt and foo fools ls that don’t reflect reflect that these metals metals are mad madee of the liqueur that the referred mercury reduce re duces, s, dissolving in liqueur liqueur the sun and the moo moon, n, in in ord er to prepare natu natural rally ly and and sim simply the the phil philosophical tin tincture cture or the projecti projection on powder, capable capable of transmute transmute all metals in sun and moo moon, n, that some some think think having having mastered when they possess posse ss this this proper celesti celestial al mercury ercury, but fai faill greatl greatly y in thi this, facin acing displ displeasu easures res before before picki picking ng the the rose, for lack of understanding. It is true that if they knew k new correc co rrectly tly the prop pr oportions ortions and the fire fire regime, regime, they woul wo uld d not have a lot of effort effort and they coul co uld d not go wrong, although they wanted it, but in this this art it it is lilike this the way of working. working. Listen Listen and try to do as I teach tea ch you. On O n behalf behalf of God you wil will take, tak e, then, then, of your animated animated mercury 2 or 4 parts pa rts as you want, put p ut in in alone into into a closed matrass or with two of solar Satúrnia, Satúrnia, bei be ing one of gold and two of Satúrni Sa túrnia, a, everything eve rything amalga amalgamate mated d as butter, carefully car efully and with with dexterity de xterity, wash, clean and dry. Close the top to p with goo good d wax, that is is to say, the lute (SEAL) (S EAL) of wisdo wisdom. m. Place this this conf co nfection, ection, as does do es the the sitting sitting hen over its its eggs. Leave the mercury like like this this prepar pre pared ed to foll follow its course co urse for some days, that is, during during 40 or 50 days until until you see formed formed white white or red sulphur sulphur of philoso philosop p hical hica l sublim sublima te in the the vase, which which com co mes from the rays of the said mercury. We pick this with a feather, beca be cause use they are the the living living gold and a nd silver silver born bo rn out of the mercury itself. itself.
Take now the white white or red sulphu sulphur, r, grind grinding ing it in a glass glass or marb marblle mortar, orta r, wetting it with with the third third part par t of its weight weight of the mercury, from where it was extracted extrac ted by sublim sublimat atio ion, n, said sulphu sulphurr having having arise from the putrefaction putrefact ion of the merc mercury. ury. Make Mak e a paste of both like like butter, pour po ur this this mixture mixture in a closed matrass atra ss on the oven, with approp appr opriate riate and a nd gentle gentle fire fire of ashes, as the phil philosophical underst understan and d ing, ing, cook unti untill the the mercury ercury has transf transform ormed ed in sulphur sulphur.. Duri During ng thi this coction, co ction, you will will obse o bserve rve a surprising things things in your vase vase, all all of the the colours of o f the world, which which you cannot admi ad mire re without without elevating your heart to God, in in action ac tion of thanks to such high high gift. gift. When you arrive arrive to the red purple, purple, harvest it, because bec ause the alchemi alchemicc powder powd er is is elaborated elaborate d now and capab cap able le of transmuting transmuti ng any meta metall in in fine, fine, pure and limp imp id gold, that you can ca n multiply multiply by wetting, wetting, as you did, did, grinding with with new mercury, erc ury, cook co okin ing g in the same vase, vas e, same oven and same fire. fire. It will will be b e a much shorter shorte r opera op erati tion, on, however, its forc forcee will will have ten times times more power. po wer. Here it it is is the complete complete mastery to the mercury, mercury, that some don't believe believe to be true true because be cause they are deaf de af and imbecil bec ilee and unabl unablee to produce prod uce such work. If you you want to work by other way, take ta ke fin finee gold, three parts p arts in fine fine powde po wdered red or in very well lamina aminate te sheets, prep p repare are a paste pa ste with with 7 parts pa rts of your phil philosop oso p hical hica l mercury, which which is our moon. Place it in in an oval matrass to the oven, very well cl c losed, ose d, and appl app ly very strong fire, as to keep the lead in in a liqui liquid d state without without to sit sit or to coagul coa gulate, ate, beca be cause use then it it is is the right right way of regulat regulating ing the fire fire regime, regime, and your mercury, that is is your your philosop philosophic hicaa l wind, wind, it ascend asce nd and goes down do wn on the body bo dy of the gold, that devours devo urs little little by little little and that transports transpor ts in its its womb. Cooks Co oks so much that the gold gold and the the mercury mercury don't ascend and go down anymore anymore and stay both copul cop ulated ated and have have consumm consummated the peace and and the agreement agreement among among the two dragons, that are a re fire fire and water united united.. N ow, you wil will have in your your vase a black black face, as dissolved pitch, which which is the mark mark of death and putrefaction putre faction of the gold gold and the key of the whole whole mastery. Resuscitate and regenerate these two by cookin coo king g for 40 days, and don't be b e annoyed; annoyed; soon their their wil will appear app ear several mutatio mutations, ns, such as the colour colour black, grey, gre y, green, white, orange orange colour and, fin finall ally, y, a red like blood blood or of crim crimson poppy. Worry only only about about thi this last one, because because it is the true true sul sulphur, phur, finished nished and you posses po ssesss the the alchemic alchemic powder po wder.. I won't tel te ll you the just just term, because be cause it is is a function function of the work of the labourer, ab ourer, however, you cannot fail fail if you do what I teach tea ch you.
If you you desi de sire re to mul multip tiply ly the stone stone or powder, take one o ne part of it and soak soa k it with with two parts of your animated animated mercury, cook coo k as you did in the matra matrass ss after you have done a soft paste pa ste with with them, in the same oven and in the same fire. In less time the second term of the philosophical wheel will will be accompli acc ompliss hed and the the powder po wder acqui acq uires res ten times times more power po wer than than in its first first birth. Make Mak e it turn turn again a gain or o r as much much as you want, and you wil will have conclu co nclude ded d the treasure without without price, price, the the best that that exist exist in the whol wholee world, world, besides besides whi which you cannot cannot aspire aspire more. You possess health and wealth if you use itit as you owe. You have the treasure treas ure that grants all the mundane mundane happi happ iness and that that me, poor po or rural native native of Pontoise, did and acco ac compl mpliished she d by three times times in my my
house of the street of Escrivains, Escrivains, very close close to the chapel of StSt - Jacques-deJacques- de-lla-Boucherie a- Boucherie and that that me, Ni N icholas Flamel, Flamel, grant you for the love love that I for you and in in honour of God, God , for its its Glory and praise praise of the Father, Father, of the the Son and of the the Holy Holy Spiri Spirit, t, and and the the sacred Tri Trinity, to who who I beg that, that, starting from this this moment, illumina illuminate te you and lea lead d you on the way to the truth and of the lig light ht as well as of the salvatio salvatio n way. Amen. Amen.
Pay attention, attention, now, in the good form form of o f working, working, to raise raise or o r elevate elevate the phil philosophica osop hica l paste and to force and increa increase se it by means of the suitab suitablle and philoso philosop p hical hica l ferment. ferment. You wil will take tak e three parts parts of fi fine powdered powdered gold gold and six six parts parts of anim animated mercury ercury with with a part and half half of red sulphur. sulphur. Mary these ingredient ingredientss together, grind grind them in in a glass glass mortar lilike butter or cheese, chees e, place this this compositi c ompositio o n in a closed matrass to the fire fire like like the hen heat. During During the cook co okiing, don't do n't get tired tired and a nd you wil will see a wonderful wonde rful thing, thing, that the human human comprehens co mprehensiio n is surpassed surpas sed and a nd cannot argue nor deny, such is is beauti bea utiful ful the work of the the nature nature with with its mutations mutations which which reveals revea ls itself in all colours that dazzl da zzlee as they obscure ob scure the handler's handler's eyes so intense intensely ly that there is nothing nothing in this this world that can do the the same. Then, in suitable suitable time, time, you wil will observe ob serve that your vase will will contain c ontain red invigora invigorate te powder po wder, of like like blood col co lour just as purple. Here it is com co mplete the art of the phil philosophical alch alchem emy y, indeed, such such a gran grand d miracle racle that that is incredi ncredib b le. Don’t Don’t hurry hurry to say that that you possess posse ss this this munda mundane ne treasure trea sure and a nd know that that it it cures all diseases diseas es see even all all inf infir irmit mities ies that can’t be cured cured by any docto do ctors rs except excep t by the philoso philosoph phica ica l docto do ctor. r. Thus, Thus, it wil will transmute transmute any melted melted metal in in the crucible, by the injunc njunc t ion of itit even on o n boil bo iling ing mercury, in fin fine, e, pure, clean and coloured gold and resistant to the whole whole judgement of men, of the fi fire, even of the lea lead d and of the voracious wolf, wolf, a thief thief that t hat snatches everything e verything besides besides it, but still still better, be tter, it transforms transfor ms stones and a nd minera minerall crystal or rocks roc ks in in fi fine rubies.
You can ca n still still make another anothe r thing, this is, if if you want flower flowerss and fruits fruits in the cold co ld of the Winter, dissolve 6 grains grains of the referred red powde po wderr when when it comes out of o f the vase vase in 10 pints pints of water of lukewarm ukewa rm dew de w and wate waterr such tree or flower flower that you want, placing them insi inside de your home or coverin co vering g them with straw or o r hay and a nd you you will will see, see , in littl littlee time, time, a sudden sudd en and wonderful vegetatio vegetation n and growth growth which which will will surprise surp rise you you very much. much.
In order ord er to inf inform orm you as how you should should use this this medicine for the health of your bod b ody y and of your memory, memory, notice that when you have the powder powd er out of the vase it it is crim crimson red, red , you should should dissolve some grains grains in white white wine wine or aquavi aq uavitae tae, until that the wine wine is coloured, just gilded, gilded, because because it is the righ rightt mark. Don't Don't fear to gi give it to the the sick sick 12 1 2 or 15 drops in in win wine, broth or other other liqueur and they they will will be cured as a s by miracle. miracle. Don't ever eve r boast bo ast of having having done do ne that, beca be cause use men men are evil evil and a nd envi envious, when unable of doi do ing the same as others. Thus, Thus, so that you maintain maintain the dai da ily health hea lth, take tak e 9 drops dro ps of it, it, di d issol sso lved and gilded, gilded, in four four seasons sea sons of o f the the year, that is to say, in in
22 of March, June June 22, 2 2, September 22 and and December 22, in in the li liqueur that you prefer. Using Using it as I teach teac h you, you, you won't never suffer suffer of illnesse llnessess and you will will enjoy a happy hap py lif life, e, full full of o f health and a nd of wealth, you will will be b e master of o f the whole whole nature, because be cause you will will poss p ossess ess more more prec p reciious stones, stones , gold and sil silver than princes and kings. kings.
Here in this this proced pro cedure. ure. Melt M elt in in a crucible 10 ounces ounces of fi fine gold and throw throw in it, on o n the melted melted gold, one ounce of the red powder. Leave in very strong fire for two hours, remove the crucible, let it cool, coo l, break bre ak it and you wil will see in in the bottom botto m a red glass, glass, that is the exalted gold, true and royal powder po wder capab cap ablle of transmut transmut i ng all meta metalls in pure gold, gold, better be tter than than the one found found in the the mines. mines. You can, lilike this, this, dispose dispos e of great fortunes, fortunes, that even the kings kings cannot get without without acquiring acquiring it from from other. Procee P roceed, d, therefore, therefore, dear dea r nephew, like like me, by b y helping helping the poor, poo r, our brothers brothers in God, to to ornam ornamen entt our our Redeemer's Redeemer's templ temples, es, to free free of the the prison prisonss many any captive captive detained de tained for money, and the good and a nd loyal loyal use that you will will do with with it will will lead ead you on the way to glory glory and eternal sal sa lvation, in God' Go d'ss mansion, mansion, that I, Nicholas Flamel, Flamel, wish wish you on behalf be half of the Eternal Father, Fa ther, of Redeemers' Rede emers' Son So n and of the Holy Holy Spi Sp irit Illuminato Illuminato r, Holy sacred sacre d and adora ad orable ble Trinity, Trinity, Amen. Grind the red glass and pour it in a kept closed in matrass and when you want to make good gold starting from the lea lead, d, tin, tin, brass, bra ss, silver silver or mercury, erc ury, make them to melt melt in a crucible crucible and purges them there, except e xcept the moon and the mercury mercury just as soon as a s they smoke smoke, throws on 30 or 40 pounds pounds of this this mercury ercury, or of the the others others that that I spoke to you, you, 5 or 6 grai grain ns of mul multipli tiplied ed powder and wrapped wrapp ed up in wax. You wil will be surprised to find find them transmuted in gold. The fae faeces ces issued aside from the said metals, pass pa ss everything everything to the the ashes, place it on the furnace furnace and, if if they are too red and powdery, powd ery, melt silver silver and throw throw on the red mass grinded grinded, or, if you you prefer, pre fer, marry it with with the merc mercury, ury, place everything everyth ing on the furnace furnace, and Saturn, Sa turn, Jupiter, Mars or Sun, Mercury Merc ury and Moon will will be b e fine, fine, soft and col co loured as suits. suits. Remembe Rememberr to giv givee thanks to God. There is the whole whole mastery that I releas releasee to you you without without omitting omitting anything, my dear and bel be loved nephew of my so dear de ar wife wife Perrenell Pe rrenellee blessed in God. God . Amen. Amen. Note that that the the first imbib bib itio itio ns of the red powder, one part transm transmut utee a hun hundred dred parts. parts. One second, second, thousand parts: pa rts: of the third, third, ten thousand: of fourth, fourth, a hundre hundred d thousand, tho usand, always stronger, thing thing that cannot be understood if you don’t see it with your own eyes. So, So , if you intend intend to make a lot of gold, dear de ar nephew, which which is never never advi ad visab sable le because be cause it c an bring bring inconv nconvenience enience and and damage damage, put a one hundr hundred ed thous thousan and d ounce ouncess of qui quicksilv cksilver in a great iron cauldron c auldron to strong fire. fire. When it is is hot to smoke, have already prepa pre pared red one ounce ounce of scarlet sca rlet powder of the the fourth ourth imbib bib ition tio ns, wrap wrap it with with wax as a smal smalll b all all and and throw throwss it on the the said quicksilver smoking. smoking. The smoke will will disappe disap pear ar quickly. quickly. Activate the fire fire and soon soo n it will will change, part in in mass and part in powder of yel yelllow gold gold that that you wil will melt elt in a cruci crucibl blee and you wil will drain drain in mass mass or o r ingot ingot and you you will will extract extrac t of this this whole mercury about ab out 99,1 99 ,170 70 ounce ouncess of pure gold, gold, of unbeatable unbeata ble qualit qualit y, that will will use as you fi find best. be st. Here you you are, dear de ar nephew, much much richer than
all the the kings, beca b ecause use you will will have more than they and than they can dispose dispo se in entire mund mund ane kingdo kingdom. m. But you make ak e gold gold little little by little, ittle, with with prudence, prudence , without reveal revea ling anything to anybody anybod y and without without ever trusting trusting anyone. So itit is that I unmasked unmasked you the treasure of all the treasures trea sures of this this world that I had and mad madee with with my own hands with with my so dear de ar and beloved companion c ompanion Perrenell Pe rrenelle. e. Use, therefore, of this this treasure trea sure on behalf of the Father, Fa ther, of Son and of the Holy Spiri Sp irit, t, so that you liv livee without without concerns, co ncerns, rich in thi this world, and have the palm p alm of glory glory in the Ki K ingdom of God, God , that I wish wish you. yo u. Amen. Amen. END GLOSSARY
MEASURES MEASURES OF WEIGHT Scruple - Old weigh weightt measure correspondin corresp onding g to 1,296g. 1,296 g. Weight measure correspondi corresp onding ng to 0,0648 0,0 648g. g. Grain - Weight Gros - Measure Mea sure of equi eq uivalent valent weight weight for 3,55 3, 55g. g. Pound - Unit Unit of equi eq uivalent valent mass for for 453, 45 3,59 59g g (Engla (Engla nd). eq uivale valent nt German wei we ight measure for 14,17g. 14,1 7g. Lot - Old equi weight measure for the gold gold and the the silver silver corresp co rresponding onding to 16,6 16 ,6g. g. Mark - Old weight measure of equivalent equivalent weigh weightt for 28,349g. 28,3 49g. Ounce - Old measure