Oct 04, 2005 For Worms 4: Mayhem on the PC, GameFAQs has 40 cheat codes and secrets. The guys at Team 17 have had many games under their belt, but the wildly popular Worms series earned them the most fame and glory. Though a few installments have diverged from the core gameplay, this turn-based strategy classic returns to its roots with Worms 4: Mayhem.
Can you load different save files in minecraft beta?
Yes. The files save locally, and you can have multiple save files in one computer.
Do smart TVs save files streamed to them?
No, Smart TVs do not save files that are streamed to them.
Does Super Mario RPG for SNES have multiple save files If so how many?
Yes, it does have save files. You get 4 spaces to save.
How do you save your files in the Photoshop?
How to save files in different formats?
You can choose save as... But in order to be able saving files in different formats you have to have convertors (mostly .dll files) which are usually shareware.
Will you lose your files if you reinstall iTunes?
Where do the files do when you put them on your lg ks360 using your laptop?

well you pick the files you want to save it in then you got to where your save it on the lg and it will be there
Which one is not a malicious code viruses Trojan horses worms cookies?
Cookies are not malicious code. They are just text files that save data for the sites you use. While cookies can be used maliciously, they are not malicious in and of themselves.
How many save files are there in Pokemon Battle Revolution?
How do you create an icon file?
As you are creating and other files but software must have ability to save file as .ico Photoshop can not save files in this format.
Is it possible to have more than 1 save files on fable one?
Pfft. Every good game can have multiple save files, of course you can!
How many files are there in PokePark Wii Pikachu's Adventure?
Is it true That OpenOffice Calc cannot save xls files?
False ! Open Office Calc is quite happy to save files in .xls format !
Will an online data backup service save all of your files if your computer crashes?
An online data backup will save all of your files. This is true only if you actually save all of them beforehand. It is a good idea to save these on a regular basis.
How many save files for Pokemon diamond pearl?
What is a save file on Mario Kart Wii?
When you save your files where do it go to?
That is usually your choice. You can specify where you want a file to be saved to in the Save dialog box. It depends on what kind of files you are saving and what application you are using. Some may have a designated folder to save the files in, but even then you often have the option of changing it. So files will go where you want them to. If you don't know, you can…
How do you do Scooby Doo mystery mayhem level 2?
it is easy you save scooby because he has been nicked by the red knight
Is there a way to erase files on Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced?
How many files are on Monster Hunter Tri?
How do you convert csv files to txf files?
Open it with Office and choose 'Save as...' filename.txt
Why you save the file as HTML and why don't you save as dhtml for both HTML and dhtml files?
Though they are standards XHTML and DHTML both save as HTML or HTM files. It is a browser thing. Newer browsers will save the files associated with the page either in a separate directory or as a unified page, an interpretation of the copyright issues involved.
How do you over ride files on Professor Layton and the lost future?
You can override files quite simply. When you are asked to save (or you choose to save) choose a save slot that already has a game in it. Voila! You have a new save file and you have deleted your old one.
How can you save more than 3 files on legend of Zelda twilight princess?
From what I know it is not possible to have more than 3 save files on Twilight Princess
How do you save a baby bird?
you put a heating pad under the baby bird and feed it chopped worms or blended worms.
What are box files used for?
Worms 4 Mayhem Ign
How many save files can you have in Pokemon platinum?
How do you save Game Maker 8 files as Game Maker 7 files?
sorry you cant do it. you can open gm7 files in gm8 but not gm8 files in gm7
Worms 4 Mayhem Download Full
How many save files are there in Animal Crossing City Folk?
How can you save psd files on your computer without photoshop?
If any program can save as PSD then this option is listed in Save or Save As dialog. GIMP can save as PSD.
Which element of the save as dialog box is used to save files with a different file extension?
How are video files stored in a computer?
You go to file when your finish. Click save to save or got to save as to give it a name.
Where do you save game files on sd card?
How to save files in adobe photoshop cs3 can open to adobephto shop 7.0?
How do you unlock hornswoggle playable on 2010?
hornswoogle is non playable you have to save game files to unlock non playable characters, now you tell me what save game files means.
How do you use Bully save files that are downloaded?
Replace Files In My Documents 'Bully Scholarship Edition' Folder.
What is the meaning of documentation?
Where can you get chao garden save files for SADX?
How do you save music to your music files?
Where are PDF files stored on a computer?
What is on the Microsoft Word 2007 test?
Can you save Powerpoint 2007 in previous files?
How can you help save the worms?
We can save the worms by not using them to fish .... i mean literally if u wanna fish then go to the store and buy the fish that are fake and use those i mean i caught 4 fish with the fake ones! Also you can put your food scrapes in the garden But that is only one there are many more ways in the world to save the worms! Thank you and have…
When you download something off the internet do you save it or run it?

When you run it, the computer saves it in a folder called Temporary Internet Files, where it's kept (as the name says) temporarily. Since the file gets saved either way, I suggest u save it, since you can control where it goes and can run it at any time.
What are the save files for Animal Crossing City Folk?
The save files for Animal Crossing City Folk are the files that are stored either in the Wii system memory or in the SD Card memory. These files are the memory for Animal Crossing City Folk so your town will always load when you play your game.
How many files can you save in 8 gigabits?
It depends on the size of the files. You can save 8 GB worth of files. It is like asking how many balls can I store in this box -- the answer depends on if you are storing ping pong balls or basketballs. Nobody can answer your question unless you know your file sizes. However, 8 GB is a lot of storage space. If you are using an 8GB memory stick to save your Excel…
Can ps2 games be saved on a flash drive?
'NO! PS2 games are not for computers OR there Flash Drives!!!' - Kept for the idiocy. Of course. You can save the data on a flash drive without using it, or you can download a PS2 emulator and play the image files on a PC.
What is collection or piece of information on your computer?

A collection of documents on your computer refers to files. Your computer comes with files and you create files as you save information to your computer.
How do you access relevant saved files of Fable 2?
Ill asume your asking how to choose different save files? once you press the 'continue' button several cards will appear on the screen, each representing a save, you can then choose the relevant save.
How can you download and save vid files using their URL?
With http://www.keepvid.com you cand save vid from anywhere
In Carpet Capers in Story mode, there is a tower with an enemy called Egg on it. Parachute down to the bottom of that tower where there is a hole. Collect the jewels to get an Easter Egg. Once you complete the level you will be awarded with 1,000 coins.
Easter Egg in Destruct And ServeIn Destruct And Serve in Story mode, destroy the silver-colored sports car completely to get an Easter Egg. Once you complete the level you will be awarded with 1,000 coins. Additionally, walk up to the car that looks like the DeLorean from the Back To The Future movies. It should fly off, leaving a flame trail behind. If this does not work, shoot it and it will do the jump to 88 mph. You will receive 1,000 coins at the end of the level.
Easter Egg in Escape From Tree RexIn Escape From Tree Rex in Story mission, jet pack to the crate with bazooka x2 in it. Shoot into Rex's mouth to get an Easter Egg. Collect the jewels to get an Easter Egg. Once you complete the level you will be awarded with 1,000 coins.
Easter Egg in Nice To Siege YouIn Nice To Siege You in Story mode, jump up on the cliff where the professor is located. Jump off the back, then walk around to find a cave. In the cave will be a worm Easter Egg. Once you complete the level you will be awarded with 1,000 coins.
Easter Egg in Tin Can AlleyIn Tin Can Alley in Story mode, shoot the toilet behind you to the left. Once you complete the level you will be awarded with 1,000 coins.
Easy tutorial win in Mike's Secret LaboratoryWhen the mission begins you should be to the right of the big protective screen. If you move slightly forward you should see a platform to your right. Use a Jet Pack to get up there. There should be a weapon crate up there. If you collect this crate you will get 25 Sentry Guns. Use these on a flat piece of ground. Then during your next turn, go close to the Sentry Gun and fire it at an enemy worm. The Sentry Gun should detect this and will fire a lot of bullets at the worm you shot. Note: You can only use one Sentry Gun at a time until it is destroyed -- place it carefully. Also, this is not the only other time in the game you can use a Sentry Gun. The other is on the last level, where you only have two of them.
Make an alien without trophiesGo to 'Create A Team' under the 'Change' menu. If you have an animal skull and night vision goggles, set the animal skull on your worm, then press Right or Left until you cannot see the display worm's eyes. Then, get the night vision goggles. It will look a bit like an alien.
Easy trophiesFor the 'Barrel Buster', 'Big Blast', 'Animal Lover' and 'Body Count' trophies and the damage trophies, create a scheme with just a Sheep and set land object to oil drums. Then, start a multi-player game and put four human teams in and fill up the sixteen Worms. Use the weapon scheme you just made and choose landscape. Select Camelot and type the number code 3651335800 to get a tiny arena. Then on Wormpot choose double damage, super animal weapons, and super random weapon. As the sheep is the only weapon in the scheme, the random weapon will always be the sheep. Then, start the game. Fire the sheep and detonate it. The explosion will destroy the entire arena and the barrels, kill all the worms, and do about 5,000 damage (which will give you the big blast). The round will draw and you can repeat. Repeat this until you have killed enough worms, caused enough damage, and destroyed enough barrels to get the other trophies. This will also give you the 3 and 4 Baggers and the Beast Within if you do not already have them.
TrophiesGetting trophies for the trophy cabinet will give you 100 to 500 coins to spend in the item shop. To get the trophies, you must accomplish a certain task or get a certain number of damage points, etc.
3 Bagger trophy: Kill three worms with one shot (one turn).
4 Bagger trophy: Kill four worms with one shot (Holy Hand Grenade is probably best).
Animal Lover trophy: Get at least 200 total kills with animal weapons (for example, sheep).
Barrel Buster trophy: Blow up at least 500 green explosive barrels (overall throughout the game).
Big Blast trophy: Get 500 damage in one shot (getting two worms with 250 HP each in the water with a shotgun is probably easiest).
Body Count trophy: Get at least 500 kills (total throughout whole game; includes multi-player matches).
Bronze Damage trophy: Get at least 25 000 total damage (overall throughout the game).
Gold Damage trophy: Get at least 100 000 total damage (overall throughout the game).
Greedy Worm trophy: Collect at least 500 total crates (overall throughout the game).
Hot Foot trophy: Hot foot trophy: Successfully dodge at least 500 mines (overall throughout the game).
Magic Bullet trophy: Kill three worms with one shot (shotgun recommended).
Rocketeer trophy: Use at least 2 000 total jet pack fuel (overall throughout the game).
Silver Damage trophy: Get at least 50 000 total damage (overall throughout the game).
The Beast Within trophy: Get three kills with one animal weapon (sheep recommended).
Weapon Specialist trophy: Get at least 8 000 total damage with the bazooka (overall throughout the game).
Mission and Tutorial maps: Successfully complete the mission/level that uses them.
Hold Until Reworked and Re-Submission maps: Defeat Team17 times in the deathmatches they are used on.
In the list of schemes in the shop, most cost 50 coins but four of them cost 150. If you buy one that costs 150 coins, you will unlock the weapon that corresponds to that scheme in the shop:
Buying the 'Holy Grail' scheme will unlock The Holy Hand Grenade.
Buying the 'Darksider' scheme will unlock The Bubble Trouble.
Buying the 'It's a Mystery' scheme will unlock The Inflatable Scouser.
Buying the 'Mega Powers' scheme will unlock The Icarus Potion.
Unlock all character sets to get 'The Kitchen Sink' weapon scheme. This scheme includes every weapon, including the five secret weapons, with infinite ammunition and no delay (2,500 coins).
Special Head Gear (150 coins)Note: Time bonuses are not required.
Hard Hat: Successfully complete the Construction part of the story (missions 1 to 5).
Royal Knight: Successfully complete the Camelot part of the story (missions 6 to 10).
Boggy The Kid: Successfully complete Wild West part of the story (missions 11 to 15).
Queen Of Sheeba: Successfully complete the Arabia part of the story (missions 16 to 20).
Caveworm: Successfully complete the Prehistoric part of the story (missions 21 to 25).
Punk Equipment (Hands and Hair, sold separately): Successfully complete all tutorials.
Dino: Successfully complete all the non-Deathmatch challenges faster than Team17.
Wormenstein: Successfully complete all ten Deathmatch challenges faster than Team17.
Alien: Successfully complete all twenty five missions.
Professor: Successfully complete all twenty five missions in time bonuses.
Cyborg: Get all fifteen trophies.