Edit text as input in GUI. Learn more about edit, text, input, gui, str2double. SAP GUI 7.40 Patch Level 1 Download. 2014/10/27 SAP GUI 7.40 ABAP Editor displays incorrect syntax colors for ABAP source code, note 2081078.
Background: This is a request for something that may not exist yet, but I've been meaning to build one for a long time. First I will ask if anyone has seen anything like it yet.
Suppose you have an arbitrary JSON structure like the following:
Question: Is there a web-based JSON editor that could take a structure like this, and automatically allow the user to modify this in a user-friendly GUI?
Example: Imagine an auto-generated HTML form that displays 2 input-type-text controls for both title and lastmod, and a table of input-type-text controls with three columns and three rows for arr_list ... with the ability to delete or add additional rows by clicking on a [+][X] next to each row in the table.
Java Gui Editor
Big Idea: The 'big idea' behind this is that the user would be able to specify any arbitrary (non-recursive) JSON structure and then also be able to edit the structure with a GUI-based interaction (this would be similar to the 'XML Editor Grid View' in XML Spy).
See also:
Update: (Thu 2014-07-31 18:31:11)
A github repository has been created to further track this closed SO post.
closed as not constructive by KevSep 13 '12 at 22:26
As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.
2 Answers
Update: In an effort to answer my own question, here is what I've been able to uncover so far. If anyone else out there has something, I'd still be interested to find out more.
- http://knockoutjs.com/documentation/plugins-mapping.html ;; knockoutjs.com nice
- http://jsonviewer.arianv.com/ ;; Cute minimal one that works offline
- http://www.alkemis.com/jsonEditor.htm ; this one looks pretty nice
- http://www.decafbad.com/2005/07/map-test/tree2.html Outline editor, not really JSON
- http://json.bubblemix.net/ Visualise JSON structute, edit inline and export back to prettified JSON.
- http://jsoneditoronline.org/ Example added by StackOverflow thread participant. Source: https://github.com/josdejong/jsoneditor
- mb21.github.io/JSONedit, built as an Angular directive
Based on JSON Schema
- Tool for generating JSON Schemas: http://www.jsonschema.net
- Visual JSON Editor, Windows Desktop Application (free, open source), http://visualjsoneditor.org/
Commercial (No endorsement intended or implied, may or may not meet requirement)
- Liquid XML - JSON Schema Editor Graphical JSON Schema editor and validator.
- XML ValidatorBuddy - JSON and XML editor supports JSON syntax-checking, syntax-coloring, auto-completion, JSON Pointer evaluation and JSON Schema validation.
See Also
- cms-based concept ;; http://www.webhook.com/
- tree-based widget ;; http://mbraak.github.io/jqTree/
Generally when I want to create a JSON or YAML string, I start out by building the Perl data structure, and then running a simple conversion on it. You could put a UI in front of the Perl data structure generation, e.g. a web form.
Converting a structure to JSON is very straightforward:
EtherEtherNot the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged jqueryajaxjsoneditorwysiwyg or ask your own question.
Demonstrate how create and work with GUI Forms using PowerShell. Shows how to create Forms, add labels, text boxes, panels, combo boxes, Pick Lists, and more. Shows how to populate all fields including picklists and combobox lists and work with properties. Shows how to populate and work with array objects. Uses Azure commands to populate list data. Shows how to work with the results from the dialog and the changes made to the form objects.
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